Chapter 2

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Seth went back to the hospital where he met the surgeon and I went back to my duty. I made myself visible to Quirrell and kept a close eye on him.

'There's good and evil in the magic world', I said to myself.

I would also check up on Severus. He graded paper after paper from his students. I rested my hand on his shoulder and felt his pain through a headache.

'What are you doing'? I looked at Seth.

'Feeling... you know we don't feel the way humans feel'. I looked back at Severus.

'I did it'. I looked at Seth.

'Did what'? My eyes widened. 'You didn't... you showed yourself to her'?

'Yeah, she asked for my name'.

'What's hers'?


'That's a nice name, it's not fair you get to become visible to her'.

'What do you mean? You can too'.

'I know... maybe I will... I have to ask Albus for his permission first because he will see me too and wonder who am I'.

'What are you going to say to him? That you're an angel'?

'No, of course not... I'll work something out'.

'Is he married'?

'Do you see a ring on his hand'?

'Is he involved with anyone'?

'No... he can't let go of the fact that his loved one died... is Maggie involved with someone'? He looked down. 'She is... Seth, it will be an unlikely chance that she will gain feelings for you'.

'And what makes you think you will gain his feelings if he loves someone else'? I looked down. 'Looks like we're in the same hole'.

'Yeah... I should go to the headmasters office'.

'What are you going to say to him'?

'The truth, we don't lie'. In an instant, we were up the stairs standing outside the headmasters door. 'You can come in if you want'.

I opened the door and went in. He was patting his bird, so his back was turned to me.

'Hello'. He turned around.

'Who are you? How did you get here'?

'I'm Angela, right now, I'm letting everyone see me, you see, I'm an angel, I'm here because someone here is going to die and I'm supposed to guide them to the next life, hell or heaven. I have taken an interest in your other Professor, Severus. So I decided to make myself visible, though, you do have to protect the reason I am here'.

'Who is it to die'?

'I can't tell you that, we don't even tell the ones dying, we just guide them'. He nodded.

'And what shall I say'?

'Just say I'm on some business and you must not say what I really am'.

'What if I seen an angel before'? Seth appeared.

'This is Seth, all angels where what his wearing'.

'But you're only wearing the same coat over a white dress'.

'I don't know why... but you can't say anything more about me than my name and I'm on some business'. He nodded.

'Just what exactly pecked your interest in Severus'?


'I don't have to introduce you to anyone, do I'?

'Nope, it's fine Albus'.

At dinner, I waited in the hall with Seth. We both sat at the professor's table. When the students started coming in, they looked at us. Once all the students and professor's were in the hall, Albus  stood up.

'We have some guests here, Angela and Seth, don't mind them, they're on some business with us'. He sat back down and everyone started to eat, except for us, of course.

'So, how do you plan on meeting'?

'I'm working on it, how did you and Maggie meet'?

'Well, she thought I was a visitor, she said it's past the visiting hours'.

'But doesn't visits help the patient'?

'That's what I said'.

'What happened next'?

'She asked who I was visiting'. I looked at him.

'What did you say'?

'I was visiting her'. I smiled and looked back to Severus.

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