05: Rock Paper Scissors

Start from the beginning

The buzz the wine gave me has long since worn off. I'm tensed up, ready for a fight if that's what it comes to. "An ex girlfriend is an ex for a reason. Xavier told me everything. What the hell are you doing in my room?"

Jasmine raises an eyebrow. "Team meeting."

Karina starts to step forward. Her skin is darker, like Jasmine's and her hair is short and curly. She wears a purple dress, exquisite make-up that make her brown eyes really pop. "Surely Jasmine explained this to you. It's time for the elimination process to begin."

I tried hard to keep my composure. I didn't want to do this. "I-I don't know if I can do this. Harley and Castiel seem - seem good for each other. And besides," I cross my arms over my chest. "If this really is a 'team' meeting, then what the hell is she doing here?" I pointed to Angelique.

"Persuasive reason." Angelique smiles. "Contestants cannot harm other contestants, but that doesn't mean I can't."

I back up against the door, and Angelique starts to laugh. Karina rolls her eyes. "And - " she says, frowning, "Angelique knows the passwords to all of the doors."

Jasmine steps forward, her heels clacking and echoing. "We had a deal, Ariel." She smiles. "If you go back on that deal, then I'll ensure you'll be the first to go."

I set my lips into a thin line. "Fine," I didn't like standing down. I looked at Jasmine, and then at Karina and Angelique. My eyes are watering, fighting tears. "Fine." I repeat again. "What do I have to do?"

Jasmine smiles. "You mean, what do we have to do?"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

Karina clears her throat, and takes a seat on my bed. She crosses one leg over another. "We all know the Prince is a major horn-dog."

"So, what?" I demanded.

"So," Angelique sighs. "That hasn't changed."

"It'll break Harley's little heart." Karina laughs.

"It'll tear the two apart when Harley finds out," Jasmine smirks. "And we'll make sure she does."

I look between the three girls, and shake my head. "Listen to me, if you're suggesting that I sleep with the Prince, than I'll tell Hades about my secret affair right now."

"No, you won't. You won't risk Xavier's safety for your delicate ego." Angelique spit.

Jasmine laughs. "We never said that you'll sleep with him, Ariel. None of us actually want to sleep with him."

I narrow my eyes at them. "So, why do you want to be with Castiel?"

Jasmine sighs. "You really need an answer for that? Eternal beauty. A Goddess of the Underworld? Power over almost everything in this Godforsaken land? Being waited on by servants, including Xavier? In exchange for the marriage and the heart of a dim-witted Prince." She shrugs. "Sounds like the life for me."

I clench my fists. "You keep Xavier out of this."

Jasmine smiles. "Rock, paper, scissors. First winner gets the first elimination."

I felt so uncomfortable doing this. I would never sleep with Castiel. Still, I didn't want Xavier or I ending up at the bottom of Tartarus. I moved forward. Angelique got out of the way.

Karina rose to her feet, and we formed a small circle.

"Ready?" Karina asks.


I clenched my palm into a fist, waiting. Jasmine nods, and begins. We bring in our hands closer together. "Rock, paper, scissors - shoot."

Go for paper. Paper always loses. Or go for scissors. Nope. Paper. Go for paper.

Jasmine's fingers were held evenly out. Paper. Karina chose rock.

"Two out of two," Jasmine says. "Rock, paper, scissors - shoot."

I cuss slightly. "God damn it."

Jasmine starts to laugh. "Keepin' the competition alive, Ariel. We won't tell Xavier on you."

"Right," Angelique's eyes narrow. "Hush hush."

Fuck. "Best out of three?"

"No fucking way." Jasmine laughs. "This is all you. You get Castiel to your room, and we'll be sure to do the rest. At the next bash, wear something sexy, and be sure to extend Castiel an invitation to your own private party."

"Is that all?" I smile.

"Of course." Jasmine says, making her way for the door. The other girls start to follow.

I start to take off my shoes.

Angelique turns at the last moment, the last one to leave. "Oh, and one more thing; Castiel likes his women after they've had a few drinks. After all, drunk sex is the best sex."

My heel narrowly avoids Angelique's face as she shuts the door. My face burns hot with anger, and tears. How could I have been so careless to let this happen?

I have to warn her.

I have to warn Harley, and before it's too late.

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