Ch. 10 New Friend.

Start from the beginning

"Yea I'm not THE Ariel, but I am a descendant." She flipped her hair back and over her left shoulder shooting a dazzling smile at Liam. " You feel nothing for me right? I am quite beautiful and yet your thoughts are full of a certain boy. A certain boy whose heart you shattered and whose soul you crushed. The feelings you have for him are your own, the only thing that is destined, is that the two of you will meet every time your souls are reborn. I don't know about you, but having a guaranteed happy ending would be amazing for me." As Ariel continued to speak the reality of what Liam had said and done sank deeper and deeper into his mind.

"Oh my god. I am a complete ass." Liam face palmed causing water to splash everywhere.

"Yes love you are." Ariel deadpanned.

"What do I do? I've no idea how to even begin getting his forgiveness."

"You can start by apologizing, you twat." Lou spoke from above Liam where he was floating on the back of wind currents. "Now here give me your hand, so I can lift you back to land."

"You're not going to hit me again are you Lou?"

"I have not decided one way or another yet. I-we are all really ticked at you. That boy." Louis bit back tears. "That boy is an angel and you took his halo. I'm not sure he'll be the same after today."

Liam reached out his hand allowing it to close around the smaller one of his best friend.

"Lou, I'm not sure what to do." Liam confessed

"Apologize, beg for forgiveness, grovel. Do whatever you have to, to bring life back into Niall."  Harry added as the two friends landed on the beach near the lake.

" Ariel? What do you think?" Liam looked out towards the lake to find his new friend who was gone. The water rippled near the beach by the boys as a beautiful brunette with fire red highlights walked out.

"On land you can call me Rebekah." Her melodic voice rang through the boys ears. Harry and Lou just stared open mouthed at the girl.

"Well I thought I was the only Queen at this school.' Louis quipt sassily.

"No hunty I'm a princess, Much younger than a queen, Yea?" She giggled into her hand.

"Blughchh!" Lou made a scoffing noise at her comment then rolled his eyes. "Come on Harrold, we have more important fish to fry." He grabbed the still gaping Harry's hand and yanked him out of the arena.

"When you pull your head from you ass, you know where to find us." He called over his shoulder as the heavy metal doors slammed shut.

"Rebekah I've screwed up so much with Niall. I love him I know I do, but this whole pre-destined thing it-it has me questioning everything in my entire life. How do I figure out what is me and what is my past leaking through?" Liam looked to his new friend tears brimming in the corners of his eyes.

"Don't you see." She passed to sit cross legged in front of Liam. "Your past, your present, your future were you, are you and will be you. No matter when your soul inhabits this earth its' experiences only add to your own, but they are always still you." Bekah reached up and brushed away the stray tears as she smiled warmly at Li. Now come on we have a certain Leprechaun to impress."

The two stood up, brushed off the sand and walked out of the arena. "You're going to have to tell me one day how your tail turned into legs and how you come out of the water fully clothed." Liam insisted as the doors closed behind them.


"How is he doing?" Harry asked when he and Lou entered the Common room. They had just got back from talking with Liam in the arena and Louis was still steamed. 

"Asleep. I had to leave he was having fits and kept kicking me." Zayn pulled up his trackies showing the beginning of several bruises.

Letting out an exaggerated huff, Louis stomped off towards the kitchen. "What's the matter BooBear?" Harry grabbed his mate from behind resting his face lightly on Lou's neck, planting soft butterfly kisses as he rocked the two back and forth.

"I'm just ticked at Liam still. I'll be fine." He turned around in his boys arms, locked his hand behind the taller boys neck, stood on his tip toes and connected their lips. "Wow." He pulled back from the kiss with a happy grin. "Sometimes I forget how amazing it feels to kiss you." 

"Yea, it is pretty good to feel your soft lips slide against mine too babe." Harry smiled back at his boy. Harry let his hand wander down from the tiny waist of his blue eyed lover to grip the small firm globes of his supple ass. Lifting gently Lou took that as his cue and wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. The two boys began to slide their lips against each others, slight moans escaped when Harry walked them back into a wall allowing them to grind their groins together.

"woooOOOOOOOO!!!!" The two boys jumped apart as the kettle started to whistle signalling the water for Tea was ready.

"Every time we get steamy." Harry tried to catch his breath. "something interrupts us." Harry sighed resting his forehead on Lou's. Closing his eyes Harry pressed light kisses to Louis lips as they pulled apart to take the kettle off the burner.

"Yea." Lou replied dreamily, still lost in the hormones released from the kiss.

"You a, might want to do something about that." Harry winked at his lover while pointing to the raging hard on barely contained by skinny jeans.

"You know what Harrold, I just might." Louis started to unzip his pants.

"AHHHHHH MY EYES!" Niall screamed. Which caused Louis to fumble with his pants, dropping them to the floor making him trip and fall forward into Harry. In a chain reaction Harry dropped the box of loose Herbal Tea in a cascade of floral snow all over Lou who was splayed out on the floor.  This caused Niall to bust up Laughing in his rich Irish inflection.

"OH. MY. GOD. LOUIS!!" Niall's fit of giggles continued bring Zayn into the room to see what was so funny. Finding Louis on the floor, pants around his ankles, covered in loose herbal tea and face beet red. Zayn Joined Niall in his fit of laughter.

"Seriously mate, only you would wind up like this." Zayn offered while walking to the utility closet to grab the broom and dust pan. Harry Helped dust his mate off, then helped him up while he pulled up his pants properly this time.

"Hopefully this will teach you not to be too cheeky love." Harry giggled at his embarrassed boyfriend.

Lou just stormed out of the room mumbling to himself about being forever horny leaving the other boys to clean up the mess.


This update is for KadieBMore I love you dear and you get better!!!

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