Night patrol

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated my fanfics in a week like I promise it's just life really hates me, but Im getting it together so im gonna try to continue this one week update promise thing, ANYWAY LETS GO!

OMG THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS, honesty I enjoy them so much! I love it when you leave funny or any kind of comments. I- you know what! Here some crickets 🥰💅🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦟 ....or mustqitoes? 👁👄👁 ANYWAY enjoy!!!

No one POV

"Okay everyone calm down at least the missing children have been found." Kurenai sensei said.

"So.....does anyone have any bandages?..." Kiba asked as blood started to fall down across his head, by the top of his forehead.

"Kiba, how did you forget your bandages, you should know a ninja shou—————" Naruto stop listening because he was too lazy to care.

"Ok, ok I get it, but CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME BANDAGES BEFORE I-" then a thump noise appeared, as Kiba fell to the ground, and Akumaru started to lick him to make him feel better, but I was hopeless.

"KIBA!" Kurenai sensei and hinata yelled concerned. All the others were concerned and worried about Kiba health, except Sasuke and Naruto, because they do not give no fucks.

After Kiba and Akumaru injuries were treated, everyone started to decide what they should do about this incident, and who will patrol at this night.

"Is he okay?" Shino ask Kurenai sensei. Kurenai sensei sat on a log besides all the others as the fire was still lit.

"Yes, he just need to rest up." Kurenai said as she felt exhausted of this situation.

"So, we will now be decide who will be patrolling at the night, and we just need two sensei, and a couple of students, so who wants to participate?" Asuma announce to everyone. As they all look at each other, the only people who raised their hands were Lee, Neji, Sasuke, and Naruto of course, every other student was tired of the work they did, but Shikamaru just wanted to sleep some more.

"OH SO CAN ME AND KAKASHI BE PATROLLING TOO, WHAT DO YOU SAY MY INTERNAL RIVAL!" Gai yelled, Kakashi looked like he wanted to die, but agreed by shrugging.

"Okay then it decided." Kurenai said , after that everyone talked together for the last time for this night.

"YES, NOW SHALL WE GET STARTE-" Gai sensei said but was cut out by Kakashi sensei.

"Woah woah woah, not yet, we haven't decided where we going to patrol and who will yet." Kakashi said trying to calm Gai from his excitement.

"OH YES I HAVE FORGOTTEN, IT WAS VERY UNYOUTHFUL FOR ME TO GET STARTED WITHOUT KNOWING HOW!" Gai said, tears coming from his eyes in guilt. Lee started to cry with Gai.

"IT OKAY GAI SENSEI, YOU ARE STILL YOUTHFUL !" Lee cried. Neji sighed. And the others were weirded out for a little.

"why did I participate for this...." Neji said putting his hand on his forehead in disappointment. The others can agree.

"LEE!" Gai hugged Lee.

"GAI SENSEI!" Lee hugged back, as they both have tears in there eyes. The others felt even more weirded out.

"You know, I love hearing comforting relationships, but this is too uncomfortable and the sound of this, just sounds weird..." Naruto said.

"Alright you too, I think that's enough..." kakashi sensei said trying to break the two from hugging, so they can concentrate on their work.

"Okay is this some kind of hangout, because I thought I participated for some work to do." Sasuke said.

"Never thought I would ever say this, but Sasuke I agree with you." Naruto said, as they both fist bump each other. They both smiled at each other for a coupleof seconds, but turned in their regular rivalry faces(Yes the best rival duo 😌💅)

Neji was confused because he thought they hated each other. As Gai sensei and Lee was broken from their hug, Kakashi sensei started to explain the plan.

"Okay, so their only three places to patrol at, the west part of the side is block by a huge waterfall, and rapids, and a lot of other stuff like poisonous snakes. So we will only be patrolling the east, south, and north." Kakashi explained.

"Wait, what if somehow they did make it out of the west side?" Neji asked.

"Oh they can't, because they're this huge territory of rouge ninjas that only wants peace, and if someone not from their try to enter, they would be killed or in their prison." Kakashi said. "So Neji, Sasuke you go at North, Lee and Gai, you guys go to east, and me and Naruto will go south." Kakashi said lastly.

"YES I GET TO BE WITH GAI SENSEI!" Lee said excitedly and Gai sensei was happy too.

"Hn, I can work with him, I guess..." Sasuke said in his emo voice.

"Sure.." Neji said sighing in relief that he wasn't team with Gai or Lee.

Naruto adjust his headband against his eyes, and raised his thumbs,  "I'm ready!"  While kakashi sensei got his book, because it going to be a long night.

"Ok now let's s split, right....NOW"  Kakashi said, as they all split to their places, Naruto trip on a stick but quickly got up and follow Kakashi sensei chakra.



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