Training all night

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Naruto POV

"Naruto, don't say those kind of words, what, were you kick out of the orphana-......."  thh third cut himself off. He realized mistake. "I'm sorry Nar-"

"Go on, I'm all ears." I tightening the headband against my eyes. Everyone was confused. But some got it.

"Wait Naruto, you were kick out of the orpha-" I cut Neji out with my loud comment.


"Naruto, you almost burned it down." The third said.

"Eh! Same thing. At least those eggs were still delicious. Extra crispy." I said with a chuckle.

"Kit I can tell by their emotions their having a feeling that you might be an idiot, but I think you were brave." Kurama said with a chuckle at the end.

'Thank kurama, your the best.' I thought in my head.

"Anyway, pack your stuff, you'll be going to the south side of the village forest. It's where those intruders are mostly spotted at." The third says. "Now go."

"Kit, the more early you get home, the faster we can train, then you won't need me much to guide you without see."

'Alright Kurama!' I thought in my head.

"HAI!" We all said. I went to the directions where the door was. But the CRASH. I crash at something hard.

"Naruto the door is two inches to the side..." I can hear the drag in Shikamaru voice.

"Whoops Gomen!!!" I said and go past it.

Third POV

As Naruto ran out of the room the Hokage looked at Kakashi. "Make sure he'll be safe, why doesn't he want to take that headband off of his eyes so badly," the third said.

"He's Naruto, he'll know when to take the headband off of his ey-" Shikamaru was cut off by a scream that sounded like Naruto.

"AHH FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER THAT HURTS LIKE SHIT!!" All of the people in the office widen their eyes. Naruto does curse, but not that much. Also he sounded like he was hurt. They all raced out the office to see Naruto at the bottom of the stairs, getting up and brushing all the dust off of his clothes.

"Naruto what the HELL?!" The third yelled. "Take off that headband in front of your eyes, so you can see where your going!" The third yelled.

"Sorry old man, but got to go." Naruto said dashing off.

"You guys," the third said to the teams "Keep an eye for Naruto." The third said with a sigh.

"Hai..." the others say knowing it was going to be exhausting to keep an eye on a hyper kid.


Naruto POV

Ok now grab your keys

I then grabbed my keys out of my pocket and put it in front of me.

Okay a little to the left.

I did as he said

Wait, right, a little to the right

I did and moved a little to the right

Now down

I moved it a little down

Now move it forward

I did I heard a click

Good you know the rest.

I turned it and heard another click and I grabbed the door knob and turned it. BOOM. 'Nailed it, thank Kurama'

No problem, now go to bed.

'What I thought we were going to train?'

We are but in your mind

I walk to the directions to my bed and collapsed on it.



I look up to see a gigantic fox again.

"Hi, kurama, nice to see your face ." I said admiring his looks. "And your fluffy tails..." I said admiring the tails.

Heh, thanks Kit. Now since I will mostly go back to my habit of sleeping 24/7 I will have to teach you about chakra waves and learning what are object without seeing it.

"I miss seeing the world outside. Wait, since I can see in my mind only, can I imagine some trees?"



Alright let's get starte-



"Can I atleast take you out of that cage, it look in comfy ."

Omg yes please, pull the tag , and then the gate would opened


After opening the gate for Kurama and training his Chakra waves and learning what are object.

No one POV

"Pant pant" Naruto was exhausted. Even it was all in his mind. It was still tiring.

Well done we're finished your chakra waves, but your dodge will still need a little more work. But you should rest for 3 hours because you need to pack.

"Eh" Naruto said as he collapsed in his mind.


Thanks for reading, I was really late updating this. Anyway bye love y'all. 784 words.

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