"Amber." She stuck out a hand as well, and it met with mine for a firm shake.

"Are you new?" I asked. "Or have I just never seen you before?"

"I'm new." She nodded. "I know it's odd. You know, coming here in the middle of the semester and all."

"One of your parents switch jobs or something?"

"Not really," She laughed nervously. "Let's just say that my little brother has anger issues."

"He didn't kill someone, did he?"

"No!" Amber replied quickly. "Not at all. Liam's not that bad."

"Okay." I smiled nervously. "I'm, actually, about to head out to lunch." I threw a thumb over my shoulder, holding my lunch up with the other hand. "Would you, maybe, like to sit with me and my friends?"

"Really?" She looked genuinely shocked, causing me to let out a laugh. "You actually like me enough to invite you to your table?"

"No, just trying not to sound like a bitch and leave you standing here." I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Shut up." She gave me close-mouthed smile, playfully elbowing me in the arm as she walked past me.

"Hey!" I called after her retreating figure. "I'm the guide! You have to follow me."

She did nothing but throw a smirk over her shoulder.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Hey Fel," Stiles was the first to spot me as I approached everyone. "Lunch is almost over. Where've you been?"

"Why so worried?" I shrugged. "Did you miss me that much?"

"Oh, you have no idea." Scott mumbled. Stiles coughed loudly, trying to distract me from Scott's words. The nervous boy's cheeks burned like a match.

"The reason why I was so late is because I ran into someone." I turned around to look for Amber, but she wasn't there. "She was just behind me a few seconds ago."

"Felicity?" Lydia called. I looked at her in confusion. She was seated on the end, so she was close to me. "You've obviously been doing too much research. Maybe you should go to the lost and found."

"Why?" I asked. Stiles scooted over so I could sit next to him. After sending him a thankful smile I sat down next to him, occupying the end. Lydia sent me an innocent smile from across the table.

"Because you've lost it, sweetie."

"That's really the best you could come up with?" Stiles groaned.

"What?" Lydia rolled her eyes. "Like you could do better?"

"Lydia, let me tell you something." Stiles started, a twinkle in his eye. "My sarcasm and wit? That's a gift."

"Yeah, a defective one." Lydia smirked, folding her hands in front of her.


"I know." Lydia lifted her shoulders. "I'm thinking of being a comedian when I get older."

"You guys are too much alike." I giggled, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

Stiles looked at me as if I had just resurrected one of his favorite fictional characters. My eyebrows furrowed, trying to ignore the piranha plant from Mario shooting fireballs at my lungs.

I noticed Scott drawing an imaginary heart in the air around the two of us, making my face heat up profusely.

"Earth to love-struck Stiles?" Allison teased, reaching over the table to snap her fingers in Stiles's face.

"Huh?" He jumped slightly with cherry red cheeks.

"You just completely zoned out." Lydia grinned charmingly, as if she was really enjoying the embarrassment of me and him.

"Oh," He laughed nervously, gulping a bit at the end. "Me? Why would I zone out?"

I sent each of the girls a glare, meaning that I would lock them up if they said anything.

"I think that's only a question you know the answer to." I quickly answered.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"You what?" Each of the girls questioned me as we walked into Lydia's house.

"I know!" I groaned, already making my way to Lydia's room. With all of the times I have been there, I practically have the whole place embedded into my skull. I reached the door to Lydia's room and opened it. "I'm a horrible person."

"You're not horrible." Allison laughed, both of us plopping down on Lydia's bed.

"What's going to happen with the wedding plans now?" Lydia groaned, sitting in her desk chair. She turned to face everyone's confused expressions.

"What wedding plans?" Kira asked, still standing close to the doorway.

"Felicity and Stiles's wedding, obviously!"

If I would've had a beverage with me, I more than likely would have spit it all out by now.

"You guys would make an adorable couple." Kira shrugged, sitting next to me.

"I know!" Allison squeaked. "What is that called again?"

"What is what called?" Lydia asked.

"When you combine the names of two people that you want to be together."

"Shipping!" Kira answered quickly.

"We are not talking about this." I grumbled, burying my face in my hands.

This is going to be a long day.


Hello! So, I hope you liked it (as always) I figured that since the last chapter was so short that I would give you another one!

Again, I don't really have much to say but thanks for reading and to eat fried chicken.

Comment.Vote.Love Teen Wolf


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