the sunlight beamed through the black sheer curtains on my face. i squinted at the sight and let out a big yawn. i just have to run my energy off of coffee and adrenaline.

i finally found the strength to get out of my bed and get ready.

- avery

" eat up,"

" im not eating this shit , my dog cooks better than that." i spat.

" whatever , guards lock up the door." the soldier walks out leaving the monstrosity that they call food. i miss actually having a homemade meal that actually taste good.

the chefs around here can't cook for shit. its bad enough i cant sleep in this place. every minute i have to look out for one of xaviers bitches that try to kill me.

they swear im trying to take him away , little do they know i have my own man. hopefully he didn't forget about me.

i think about him almost everyday , especially with everything going on. i wondered how he handled the news or what he thought. i always think to myself , has he found someone else? im always over thinking so i need to stop.

the only good this place has ever done for me is upgraded my room and gave me some damn clothes. some of the food still sucks and Xavier doesn't know how to keep his hands off of me.

yesterday was bad enough when he tried to kiss me and i almost beat his ass. 

all i know is that mattia better hurry up and get me tf up out of here.

- mattia

" mattia , you ready for this?" mar questions me. " yes." i simply reply.

everyone was gathered in the safe house getting ready to leave. we have about 3 hours to get avery out of there. it's about 8:30 p.m .

" okay run the plan over so everyone understands what is about to happen." mark spoke.

" first things first , everyone understands where they should be right? okay good , now mattia is gonna find avery but for him to do that he needs back up. ale and kairi already have that covered." mark starts.

10 minutes later

" hey mattia , whatever happens bro just know I love you." ale says.

" shut up , you act like you about to die." i roll my eyes. " anyways , you ready for this man?"

" than I've ever been," i answer. " kairi where is the suit for avery?"

" right here and ready to go," he exclaims and passes it to me. i put it on the table and take her gun out if my suit and reload it.

kairi and alejandro look at me as if i have something on my face. " what? she is gonna need it."

" lets go,"

everyone exits the house and head to the vans. i prayed fir this day to come and its finally here. lets just hope that everything is worth it.

- at xaviers

( play song , might have to put it in loop.)

pulling up to this house reminds me of when we went to elijahs. the gate was left open but to be safe me and the boys went in first. the door was guarded by 4 security guards.

" were here for xavier," ale stated.

" names please?" one of tye guards asked.

kairi and i shot 2 before they could even draw for their gun.

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