Break my bed, not my heart...

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-here is a marichat story! I wrote it cuz i was bored 😐. Any whooo here in this story chat noir is just straight up mean and he is known to be the player that breaks hearts in this story. Hope you enjoy this chapter-

-Marinette's POV-

I sobbed as i cried into my pillow at 6 in the morning. My legs were sore. Tikki comforted me as she nuzzled my cheek with tears sliding down them, " could chat do this to me...he said he loved me!" I whined as tears bursted out of my eyes and stained my pillow with some left over mascara, " is a play boy! One of the worst ones! His kwami once told me he got 4 girls pregnant in 4 months!" Tikki said with glossy eyes, "But s-still...we fight together... we fight's impossible to think that he could do that," I sobbed in response, "Listen, Marinette...he just wants pleasure because he could never get with ladybug...which little does he know ladybug is you. So he is just trying to get some stupid 'justice' for himself!" Tikki said patting my head. I had a shocked face after she said that, I turned over to face the ceiling and started remembering what happened with chat...

-Marinette's POV flashback-

I finally finished my homework at 11:00 in the night after fighting an Akuma at 10 in the night because someone had gotten mad at a party going on in the night, "Finally...I finished, Tikki...I finished my homework!" I sighed as I slumped back in my chair. Tikki smiled and hugged my cheek softly, "Like every time get some sleep! You have school and you can even try to not be late for school at least ONCE this school year," I giggled and agreed. I put on my pajama, "Tikki," I said as looking at myself in my body mirror, "Yes, Marinette?" Tikki answered back sweetly, "Should I let my hair down this time for sleep?" I asked, "You look beautiful either way but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to let your hair down for sleeping this night," she answered floating in front of me. I let my hair down and slipped into my bedsheets and dozed off to sleep after saying goodnight to Tikki as she slept next to me.

-time skip into 12:AM-

"*tap tap*" I heard multiple times at my balcony window. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 12:05 in the morning, "ughhh...who could be here at this time in the night?!" I groaned as I got out of my bed and went to the balcony window. My vision was blurry until I saw two green eyes practically glowing in the stary night, 'who could that be there?' I thought as I rubbed my eyes. To my surprise, it was Chat Noir at my balcony tapping on my window with his claw.

i sighed, "Chat...what are you doing here at 12 in the morning!" i whispered yelled as i opened the door for him, "Well Marinette...its purrfect to see you here at this time though," He purred as he walked inside, "Hey! i didn't even give you permission to walk inside my room!" i said was i walked in front of me "Hey...listen..." He said seductively as he grabbed both of my wrists with one hand made my arms go over my head as he pinned me on the wall, (explanation to the pinning on the wall if you were wondering- it's like grabbing both of your wrists together and having over your arms over your head as being pinned to the wall. idk how to explain it very well) "C-chat...what are you doing..." I asked shaking a bit. chat leaned over to me and looked at me with a sexy look, "I'm gonna dominate you..." i gasped a bit, he made me horny and i couldn't stand but to let myself be dominated by him. he was just so...good.

Chat, with his free hand, put his hand under my shirt, "I'm gonna let you go with my hand...stay still." He said as he looked at me deeply. I nodded and he let go slowly as I kept my hands up. he put his other hand under my shirt and started undoing my bra, "You girls sleep with bra's?" he asked, "I-I just forgot to take it off..." I said looking down. Chat didn't respond and took my bra off and threw it on the floor. He proceeded to take off my shirt and reveal my breasts. He kissed my breasts as I shivered getting goosebumps all over me. He licked around my  nipple and nibbled on them. Chat soon got on his knees and started slipping off my pants leaving me in my white pink laced panties. Chat got up and grabbed me by my shoulders tightly and slammed me on the bed, "You're so pretty..." He said. I grabbed his face and kissed him. we started making out sloppily as he was on top of me. We let go for air. He soon started moving down to my panties and took them off slowly and he then separated my legs and threw my panties on the floor and crawled up to my face, "Are you ready for more?" Chat asked as he was still on top of me close to my face, "I'm n-not sure..." I said hesitantly. Chat put his hand behind my head and gripped my hair tightly as he bought my face closer to his, "Don't hesitate! you know you like it you whore!" He said. I squeaked a bit and nodded. He let my hair go.

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