Everything is hard

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The next day I walked to school putting on a big smile but Alex saw straight through it.

"Hey what's up ,you look down?" He asked me right away.

I lifted my head and told him "Oh I'm fine why wouldn't I be I should be gratefully happy right now."I flashed a wide grin at him and he bent down and kissed me on the cheek. I giggled and went and took a seat next to Lucy.

"Hey. I heard your going out with Alex". She swallowed and smiled.

I replied to her "Yes we are trying it out". I looked at her she was wearing a pink dress today. It looked like she was going to an evening dinner. I wondered why.

"Nice dress. " I suddenly told her.

She looked at me guilty faced for a second and smiled" Thanks. I love the coral on you Rora."

"Oh thank you" I said and then turned to get my books.

I came back and sighed. Another school day and I got this weird feeling from Lucy that's she upset with me. I couldn't do anything about it now so I waited my time till the bell rang from the teachers hand.

I waited for the words " your dismissed" and quickly turned my head to her. " I'm just wondering Luce have I done anything to offend you? And why are you wearing such a formal dress"?

"What now I can't dress like this? And yes you have" Lucy flinched and turned away.

I felt tears stinging in my eyes and went to Alex.

"Hi Alex. We should break up." I spoke directly in harsh words but I couldn't talk calmly because I was on the verge of breaking down.

"It hasn't been a month? Are you ok?" Alex spoke in a caring voice that didn't sound angry at all.

"Yeah I know it won't work. Bye. Lucy is all yours now." I walked away and went to Maverick.

"Hi Maverick. I don't know what I did to Lucy but she seems upset. I broke up with Alex". I looked around and saw Alex stare at a wall assuming and wondering what he did wrong.

I was broken so many times but now I pushed it on someone else. Not entirely I still felt some.

When the day was over I rethought that line. Not some pain.

Too much pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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