Sunshine, Rainbows And Dandelions

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I watched my strawberry tulips whistle in the wind. I called them strawberry tulips because well first of their color and the green stem. I love them ,they always remind me that I may be able to have a romance but if not I would have my strawberry tulips.

Sunshine ,rainbows , and dandelions are a part of me but nothing beats my tulips. They are my best friend. I don't know if I could have a real human friend.

I went to school. And actually I enjoy it. Unlike the other students. Our school is wooden and is painted white. There were many sunflowers, dandelions and mushrooms all around the school. We were on the edge of the woods but if you went a little deeper you would reach a small cottage. Abandoned. I felt bad for him. I felt like he knew how I felt and so he kept himself away from everybody else.

Nobody usually talked to me. It's not like they were mean it's just I wasn't like able to them. It's not that I wasn't pretty or kind. I think it's because I'm unique or what they call weird. My answer is probably that I'm friends with tulips.
If it wasn't for that I think I would be popular. I had blonde hair that fell on half of my back, blue eyes with a mix of green and light pretty lips. I wasn't ugly and I wasn't scared of calling myself pretty.

In addition to that I'm not mean and I would love to be someone's friend. But for now I'm just sitting In a field of flowers calming my nerves.
I can't really explain it but flowers make me feel whole like I matter in this world and that even my book matters. Sleeping beauty. I am in love with that book because I connect to it. It's like iv been asleep until the flowers woke me up. You would think if you'd met me I would be  reading beauty and the beast. Me and a book always together keeping company with nature but I don't think so.

My name is also Aurora which gave me even more hope. I just love my life and what would make it better is romance. That would just be spectacular. I would be happier than ever. But again it's not worth hoping for. I'm probably going to be alone my whole life. I just need to keep a smile on and continue my days.

Life is worth fighting for so I might as well do that for my days or I could just continue to wear my purple ball gown and run down cliffs. Wow how romantic would that be?

I would be heading back to school tomorrow and I would be learning more. I couldn't wait. It was like my life is a dream. It's strange. I don't get every thing I want I get many other things though. But still there is no romance in stock for me.

I wouldn't cry. I tell myself that every night. I am trying not to cry. I think I'm doing very good at it. Actually I think I'm doing great. I haven't cried all summer. Maybe it's because I hadn't fallen in love. There was no one there with me. There was no school with handsome romantic lover boys in the summer. Two months without them. It is probably good that happened. I shouldn't cry this year, I should not. I'm going to try exceptionally hard not to try to fall in love with anyone who doesn't want me. Iv done that before. It was heartbreaking. I cried for the next 13 days and mother had to make me tea every night. It was the stupidest thing I had done in my life.

How could I even fall in love with someone like Henry? He was a student in school. They all ignored me like I was invisible. I guess I was very stupid. I walked over to him and spilled all my feelings. I told him that I love him and that we would be good together. He just then broke into a big laughter and called all his friends and they laughed too. I ran out of school for the next two weeks.

Anyways after a few weeks everyone forgot about the incident and continued to look at me like I was not there.

Well anyways I learnt not to do that to anyone. I learnt not to hope for things that are impossible. Oh I wish I could be a bride filled with love from her groom running down the grass filled with sunflowers. A big dream just not meant for me.

I love my life and I think everyone should just you could always adjust it and make you love your own life more. And I think I should do that. It would make me love myself and make me forget about romance. But the thing that would make my life exciting and worth living for is romance. And so this is the next task ill be working on. I think that will get it off my mind even though that's the topic I want to get rid of. Oh life is truly exciting! Every minute of it there's a mystery waiting to be revealed and a door to be unlocked! I am the happiest girl there could be in Lovermore.

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