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i feel like i should've done more texting so far. Do you guys like the IRL or the texting more even though there hasn't been much of that.



Neither of them moved, They kinda just stared at each other for a little bit.

"okay either kiss or move along, 'got places to be people to see" Alex spoke up, having had enough of this awkward silence.

Wilbur broke the staring contest by setting his things down and walking up to Dani. "you're not 5'8" he laughed.

"I am too, my driver license says so." She retorted

Wilbur laughed again and pulled her in for a hug. Which she hugged back.

"too be fair Wilbur, you look even more like a Herbert in real life" Dani pulled out of the hug.

"This totally wasn't how i planned to meet you. I was gonna bring you pizza and flowers and everything"
Wilbur joked

"Speaking of pizza, Dani can we get food"

"Yeah we can-, you guys wanna join us?" Dani asked the group

"I- sorry I cant Kristin needs me at the house. I gotta go" Phil spoke up

"Everything okay?" Wilbur asked him.

"I think so" Phil said and then headed for the door.


"Yeah" "Yes please"

Dani quickly cashed in her points getting a little cow stuffed animal giving it to Wilbur, and a couple other small things that she could afford.

She led Wilbur to her car, Alex already knowing where they parked was way ahead of them.

"So Danielle, what brought you to the mall today." Wilbur asked just trying to break the silence. Don't get me wrong it was a comfortable silence.

"Mainly to hang out with Alex, I'm sure she doesn't mind you tagging along though." Dani said grabbing her keys as they approached the vehicle

"Oh i'm sorry, i kinda just joined you guys"

"No your fine, you may just have to sit in the backseat though. I don't think she'll let you have the front." Dani Joked

Dani unlocked the car and they all got inside. Dani was right, Alex didn't let Wilbur have the front so he had to sit in the back.

Dani drove them two to a local pizza hut. The whole car ride filled with questions.

Once they arrived they walked in and got seated in a booth.

"So wilbur what is it you do again!" Alex asked whilst still looking at the menu.

He looks next to him at Dani and then back to his menu. "I work as a streamer, youtuber and musician. I'm currently in a band called 'Love joy' we have one album out and are working on another one" Wilbur explains proudly

"cool" Alex replies in a blank tone. Setting down her menu.

The three of them made small talk for a little while until the server came to well, serve them.

He took their orders and left; saying it would be about 20-25 minutes.

Dani pulled out her phone and checked the time. "Alex what time do mom
and dad want you home?"

Wrong number / wilbur sootKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat