Chapter 1

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A/N: I know most support technicians don't work behind counters or whatever, but I need some personal interaction if this story is going to work! As long as I can write a compelling story, though, something like that shouldn't matter too much..

y/n is your name, if you didn't know already.


" are the seals, as well as young Lemillion's suit. He should really be more careful, especially when.. exiting solid areas, you said?"

Sir Nighteye nodded, accepting the box from y/n's hands.

"He's somewhat reckless when it comes to personal defense, I'll admit. Far better at head-on confrontations and defending others. Still, his heart is in the right place."

"I'd hope so, with his career path!"

He nodded, and you could have sworn you saw a glimpse of a smile.

"Hopefully, you won't have to return anytime too soon."

"Of course not. It would mean your work has failed."

It took everything in you not to shudder under his intense gaze, though you could feel a drop of sweat beneath your collar.

"Goodbye, y/n."


You sighed, both in relief and tiredness, once the door was closed behind Sir Nighteye 's back. Turning away from the counter, you began organizing some of the orders on a shelf behind you. Your co-workers were messier than yourself, you thought, re-writing names from chicken scratch and alphabetizing the boxes.

Still, their projects were finished before their clients were due, as opposed to five minutes before they arrived..

Finally deeming the shelves clean enough, you waved a co-worker, Peter, over to man the counter.

"Sorry to bother you, but I should clean the workshop up. I really came down to the wire with Lemillion's repairs!"

He merely shook his head, letting you go off to the back room to clean it as best you could. He chuckled as you bolted past him, arms crossing over his lanky body.

It didn't take you long to brush the table of debris, returning the custom fabric for Lemillion's uniform to its box in the workshop's closet.

(A/N it isn't a costume!! Those are Uniforms for the Heroes to Work In!!)

Returning to the counter at the front of the shop, Peter scooted past you to work on a project of his own. You watched as he rounded the corner to the back of house, and then you were alone.

Your lonesome didn't last too long as the shop's bell rang. You turned quickly, staring at the large, familiar figure on the doorway.

A booming, jovial voice filled seeming the whole shop as the incoming customer said "Hello!", and your eyes widened.

Ooh, cliffhanger!

Sorry the chapter's short! I have training and homework, with little free time. Still, I'll use what time I have for updates.

Hopefully it won't take too long to get chapter 2 out, I just wanted an introduction.

And sorry if the writing's all over the place. I'm used to just jotting down notes, not writing for other people. I don't have an editor yet to help, so- yeah.

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