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Jimin(annoyed): wait! So you are saying that just because I am dating you , I can't hug tae?

Jungkook  : no....you can hug Tae...but not for that long. It's really simple to understand really....

Jimin(fuming): first I can't compliment namjoon hyung...I can't share  a room with hobi hyung, can't have dinner v lives with jin hyung, can't smile at suga hyung and now this? Really Jungkook!

Jungkook ( big doe eyes looking sad): I don't like it then you give attention to any of the other members...they are all so handsome and i feel like they will take you away from me...Thats why...I can't loose you..

Jimin melts on spot...

Jimin (huggs his kookie): baby...you will never loose me...

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