Chapter 6: A New World

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"Are you sure you have to leave now?" Brackenclaw asked him, shifting his weight from one side to the other. The Clan had gathered around him and Hawkpaw, worry lighting their eyes in the faint dawn light. Falconblaze had wanted to leave quietly but it didn't take long for the Clan to notice him and wake the sleeping cats.

"Yes, I am sure. I want the whole day to travel, and get a good start on our journey." he nods, and looks fondly at Hawkpaw's excited expression. The young apprentice was saying good-bye to Ravenpaw, Falconpaw and his parents.

He doesn't yet understand that he will never see them again. Falconblae suppresses a sigh. Though there was genuine sadness in Hawkpaw's eyes, it was clear he was mostly excited.

One day he will understand. He thought confidently. Beside him Brackenclaw sighs.

"If that is what you want." he murmurs. Mistyflight pads through next, purring.

"I'm so proud of you." she mewes, eyes shining. "Thank you for taking Hawkpaw out with you." Something flashes through her eyes.

Regret? Falconblaze thought. But he couldn't blame her; Mistyflight would never see her son again. Falconblaze nuzzles her head.

"Don't worry, he will be fine with me." he promises, staring into her pale blue eyes. His sister nods, choked for words. Dreamstar takes her place as she steps back.

"You have been a good warrior." she murmurs. "Thank you for helping my Clan recover." She smiles, genuine gratitude in her eyes. Falconblaze dips his head.

"It has been an honor to serve you." he meowes. Dreamstar just nods, and steps back next to her deputy. Brackenclaw looks at him and Hawkpaw with a mixture of pride and pain. His best friend AND his kit was leaving him, and Falconblaze understood the confusion the golden warrior must feel. Falconblaze blinks reassuringly to him, and with a last look at his former Clanmates he turns and leaps up the dip that surrounded camp. Hawkpaw followed a hearbeat later.


The sun was high in the sky, and yet Falconblaze and Hawkpaw padded along under the trees with fluffed up fur. They had crossed the abandoned field quickly- Falconblaze was surprised hoe short time it took this time- and had recently passed the place he had slept the day before arriving at NightClan.

"Brrr! I wish Leaf-bare could be a little warmer." Hawkpaw shivers, trying to ruffle his fur even more. Falconblaze let out a mrrow of laughter.

"You look like a raccoon with it's fur blown the wrong way!" he tells his apprentice. Hawkpaw let out an indignant huff and flattened his fur again. It didn't take long before he decided against it though, and bristled again.

"Rather be a raccoon than an icicle." he shruggs. Falconblaze murmurs and agreement and they walk in silence for a time.


The sun was setting when Falconblaze decided it was time to settle down for the night. HAwkpaw stared at him as if he had grown an extra head.

"Rest? Sleep? NOW? There is much more daylight left!" he protests. Falconblaze sighs.

"I know, but we need to create a nest, hunt and drink first. After that you'll be happy we didn't walk farther." he explains. Hawkpaw still looks uncertain, but doesn't argue any more. Quickly he gathers a few leaves and claws off some moss. He tries to lie down on it, but leaps up right away.

"It's COLD!" he exclaims. Falconblaze laughs.

"It's frozen, of course it's cold!" He shuffles over to Hawkpaw's nest. "Here, look. You have to warm up the moss by massaging it with your paws. It will soften up, and become warm. But you better hunt first, because by the time you get back it will grow cold again." he meowes. The young tom nods, and sets off. Falconblaze darts after him.

"Hey! Wait a moment now. This is unknown territory; you don't just go thumping off like that. You have to make sure it's safe where you walk before you start to hunt." Falconblaze growls.

Hawkpaw nods, though the annoyance was clear in his eyes. Falconblaze cuffs him on the ears before taking the lead, scenting the air carefully and testing every pawstep. Eventually he gives Hawkpaw the 'clear' signal and they seperate to hunt.

Falconblaze crouched low, aware that his dark pelt would show in the snow. He scented the air and found a trace of squirrel by a young beech tree. Kreeping closer he peered out from behind a bush and spotted the furry creature nibbling on a small nut. Moving backwards and to the side he ended up behind and down-wind of it and was able to pounce without being seen.

He stood up with the squirrel in his jaws, and perked his ears. How was Hawkpaw doing? He had gone just a couple pawsteps when he heard a yowl. Racing through the forest he found Hawkpaw standing nose-to-nose with another rogue; a black tom with amber eyes. The starnger had a mouse in his jaws, but Falconblaze noticed that it was Hawkpaw who had blood on his claws.

"Give me back my prey!" he yowled at the rogue. The black cat hissed and swiped at Hawkpaw, who screeched with fury. Falconblaze bouds over to them.

"What's going on here?" he growls and looks from Hawkpaw to the stranger.

"This furry piece of mouse-dung stole my mouse!" Hawkpaw replies indignantly. Falconblaze narrows his eyes.

"That is OUR prey." he hisses threateningly. The tom just hisses back.

"You don't deserve it, with that sloppy catch of yours!" he retorts. Hawkpaw narrows his eyes.

"It was my first time hunting." he retorts. "I bet you didn't even catch a whisker you first time!"

The tom growls. "If you're so sure this is YOUR mouse, why don't you come and get it?" he challenged. Falconblaze stepped between them.

"This is your last warning. Give back the prey." he tells the tom, keeping his gaze steady. The other cats snorts.

"Or else?" he asks, his eyes burning into Falconblaze's. Suddenly he toppled over as Falconblaze leaped, dropping the mouse. Hawkpaw darted forwards and grabbed it, before retreating a few steps back.

Falconblaze clawed his enemies belly, raking his front paws across the cats face. The black tom howled in pain and slithered away from Falconblaze's grip. Spitting with fury he slammed into Falconblaze, and lunged for his scruff. Falconblaze twisted away, and grabbed the rogues tail. The other tom yowled and pulled himself loose, before fleeing the direction he had come from.

Falconblaze sat up panting, and looked at the mouse with dismay. It had been scratched up a little, and Falconblaze hoped it wouldn't go to waste. Obviously thinking thew same thing Hawkpaw took a small bite before gulping the rest down and licking his lips.

"Delicious!" he mumbled through a mouthful. Falconblaze purred and crouched down to eat his squirrel. Then he and Hawkpaw padded back to their nests and groomed their fur. Falconblaze was happy he only had a few scratches, and licked them clean before putting his head on his paws.

"Good night Hawkpaw." he mutters, half asleep already.

"Night." Hawkpaw replies, equally tired. Soon both toms sleep fitfully in their makeshift nests.

Falconblaze's Path (2): The New ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now