Chapter 14

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**They all go back into El's house**

Dustin: so what should we do now?

Lucas: 7 minutes in heaven?

Mike: yea no..

Lucas: truth or dare?

**El nods her head**

Mike: fine.

Max: sure

Dustin: heck yea

Will: since y'all are doing it, I guess I will too.

Mike: hallelujah. You can't leave us stranded here with these girls.

Will: yea I know, I know.

Max: screw you boys. **rolls her eyes**

**El rolls her eyes**

El: oh my lord.

**They all sit down and then Hopper comes out of his room**

Hopper: Hi El. Hi Dustin. Hi Will. Hi Lucas. Hi Max. Hi Mik- I mean little brat**smiles**

**Mike rolls his eyes** All of them: Hi.

Hopper: anyways continue, I'm going to be outside drinking.

El: ok dad.

**Hopper goes outside and drinks**

Mike: anyways.. who's first?

Max: me I guess.

Mike: ok, Max truth or dare?

Max: truth.

Mike: have you ever been sick from eating too much food or bad food? 

Max: yep

Mike: doesn't surprise me.

Lucas: dang

Will: the food around here is good though.

El: yea not so much, Will **laughs**

Max: Anyways... Mike truth or dare?

Mike: uhh dare-

Max: go hit your head against the wall 5 times.

Mike: oh heck no. 

Max: I'll do it if you want me to. **smiles**

Mike: no way.

Max: that's what I thought **smiles**

**the others just start laughing**

Lucas: this shall be interesting.

Will and Dustin: for sure

El: mhmm..

**Mike rolls his eyes, and hits his head on the wall 3 times** Mike: my head **pouts** 

Max: keep going

Mike: dude- **hits head on wall 2 times** Max, I hate you **rolls eyes**

Max: hehe you're welcome **smiles**

Mike: ok so.... Will truth or dare?

Will: uh truth.

Mike: are you still crazy like El?

El: wow.

Will: I don't know, maybe.

El: dude-

Mike: mk.

Max: disrespectful, but ok **rolls eyes**

El: for real.

Will: uh, El truth or dare?

El: truth.

Will: Scoop's Ahoy or The Gap?

El: The Gap **smiles**

Will: of course. **the boys all roll their eyes**

El: Dustin truth or dare?

Dustin: dare.

El: do the thing Mike did.

Dustin: of course

El: uh huh karma.

**Dustin does his dare and sits back down**

Dustin: Lucas, truth or dare?

Lucas: dare.

Dustin: kiss Eleven on the cheek.

El and Lucas: OH HECK NO

Dustin: oh heck yes. Don't make me make you **smiles**

Lucas: wow.

El: screw you Dustin

Dustin: uh huh **smiles**

**Lucas kisses Eleven on the cheek, meanwhile Mike just sits back and tries not to stop it. Max is doing the same as Mike is**

Mike: now Ima kill you Dustin **smiles**

The ForbiddenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ