"Stop smiling before I slap it off your face.. Go to you room.. This conversation is not over."

"Yes ma'am." He says before he walks out..

"And you.. We are going to the clinic in the morning to get you tested and then I'm putting you on.. (Gasps) Fuck." Regina whispers.

"What is it baby?" I ask.

"Nothing.. What I was says was Tomorrow I'm putting you on birth control because I'm.. (Screams) FUCK!!" She yells.

"Regina what is happening?" I ask for the second time.

"I'm fine."

"Please don't lie to me right now."

"I think we should go the hospital."

"Why?? Are you?? Oh god?? The baby is coming isn't it?"

"I think so."

"HENRY!" I yell.

"Mom it won't happen again I promise and I'll be sure to tell you guys if I.."

"We will worry about that later.. Go crank up the car your mother is in labor."

"Wait.. Now?? You mean the baby is.."

"Yes dumb ass the baby is coming." Sam says.

"Language Samantha!" Regina says.

"Try not to tell baby.. Calm down."

"Calm down for what?? You did this to me.."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Yeah me too because we are never having sex again."

"Gina baby I'm.. Wait what?"

"(Laughs)." Samantha is laughing.

"Go get your mother bag since you think everything is so funny." I say.


"The car is ready.. Let's go." Henry says.

"Regina can you walk?"

"A little yeah.."

"Put your arm around me.. I'll carry you."

"I can walk." She says.

"I said I'm carrying you." I say picking her up.

———-At The Hospital————

"Yes ummm.. I need a doctor my wife is in labor." I say carrying her inside..

"I need some help over here." the lady yells.

"Thank you."

"Lay her down please." She says.

"Yeah sure.. Umm could you do something for the pain please?" I ask.

"We'll take good care of her." The lady says and she winks at me.

"I will kill." Regina says.

"Oh I'm.. (Clears Throat) Sorry.. I was just.."

"Eye fucking my wife?" Regina says.

"No ma'am."

"Can someone get me a doctor who is not high on hormones.. And someone who doesn't want to fuck my wife!" She yells.

"I'll help." A man comes by smiling.

"Yes you can." Regina says.

"Get lost." I say.

"EMMA!" Regina yells.

"You really think I'm going to let him deliver our daughter??? He thinks you're attractive and now he gets the privilege to see your pussy.. I'm sorry I mean Vagina.. Yeah.. Over my dead body.. Hey you??? Are you a doctor?" I ask the older lady at the desk who was filling out some papers.

"Yes why?"

"My wife is in labor being everyone is so fixated on how good we look they can't seem to do their job... Can you do it?"

"Yes I can.. Right this way people.. We have a baby to deliver.."

"Best things I've heard all night.." We get in the room and Regina starts to scream.

"(Screams) Ahhhh!!! Fuck!!!! Get her out of me now!!!!" Regina yells. And the doctor tells her to push once we were all in the room.. We asked if Henry and Sam could join us..

"Okay Regina.. Push."

"(Screams) Fuck!!! No more after this Emma.. You hear me??!" She yells and the doctor tells her to push again.

"Okay again.. Push."

"I love you baby." I whisper in her ear.

"One last push Regina.. You are doing great."

"Ahhhh!!!! (Panting) No more." She says.

"(Baby Crying)!"

"Congratulations you have a baby girl." The woman says.

"Wow she looks like you mom.." Henry says.

"That's crazy.." Samantha says.

"What is honey?" Regina asks.

"Nothing.. It's just I look like you and she looks like mom.."

"Yeah.. Probably because your mom did this to me on purpose."

"I did not."

"Oh she is biologically yours?" The doctor says.

"Yeah.. I was born intersex." I say..

"Oh you.. You umm.. Have a ummm... (Clears Throat) You have a penis?" She asks.

"She does." Regina answers.

"Wow that's very I'm.. Wow." She says looking at the front of my pants.

"Eyes up here doctor." Regina says.

"Right sorry.. I'll leave you too it." She smiles and I smile back.

"Keep smiling and I'll break it." I heard Regina say..

"Sorry." I say.

"Emma get the baby I don't feel too good."

"Wait what's happening?" I ask.

Beep Beep

"Henry get a doctor now!" I yell. "Baby??"

"Emma I'm.." Regina started to say something but she couldn't finish before she passed out..

"Baby?? Regina!! REGINA!" I yell.

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