"You didn't say hi to Jaden, Josh."

He jumped up on me, basically pushing me down on the couch while holding onto my neck and burying his head there.

"Hey buddy, how's your foot?"
"It's fine. It hurts a little."

I sat up and set him to sit on my lap, his legs together on my right side.

"Well, I'll leave you guys alone now. I need to get ready for work."
"Wait, let me grab your underwear from my room."

Olivia jumped up, following after Fred into one of the rooms.

What is his underwear doing here?!

"Bye guys!"

Fred said, making both Josh and me say bye.

I could swear I heard them kiss just before doors closed.

She walked back into the living room.

"Heyy, what's up?"
"Oh, I came here. I wanted to take you two out. I mean, if that doesn't bother you, or Fred."
"Why would it bother Fred?"

Josh got up and went to grab his toys while she sat beside me.

"Well, he's your boyfriend."
"Jaden, he's gay. If you are going to make a scene please don't. Literally."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on your nerve."
"And maybe before making a whole story in your head, you should ask me."
"Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything bad."
"It's fine I guess."

Great Jaden, already fucked up after two days.

I hate myself sometimes.

I opened my arms for her to come in my embrace, and she thought for a moment before scooting closer and laying her head on my shoulder while wrapping her arms around me.

"Okay, are we going to go out?"
"Yeah, I mean, if you guys want to."

"J, are we going out?"

Josh cheered from the floor.

"Okay, let's get you dressed because I need to get ready too. Um, so, where are we going?"
"Oh, nothing special, I thought we could like, go to park or wherever you guys want to. Not that I really know this city."

She nodded her head with a smile while picking up Josh from the floor.

"Do you need help?" I asked looking now behind me where they were.
"Yes! Daddy dress me up!"

Josh clapped his hands.

My eyes widened.

Did he just call me his dad?

I shot my head to look at Olivia while the biggest smile was on my face.

I've never been so happy in my life.

She smiled at me, letting me pick Josh up from her hands; so he wrapped himself around me.

"J, be a good boy and show Jaden where are all your clothes. Okay?"

He nodded his head.

"Walk daddy!"

He patted my shoulder multiple times in excitement.

Oh boy, I would jump around the room now.

I just got called dad.

This is the best feeling ever.

"Okay, you tell me which one is yours."

Olivia was already in her room.

Right between her doors and doors that are basically next to living room in that hall is Josh's room.

We walked in and I closed the doors, setting him down on the floor.

"Here's the closet. You find me clothes!"
"Yes sir."

I said in a deep voice, making him giggle.

Jesus, is it possible to love human this much? Especially after knowing him for this short time.

I opened his closet and asked him if he wears those clothes.

I helped him get dressed, before getting on his shoes.

"You need to go to toilet?"

I asked when I saw him stand a little bit weirdly while holding himself down there.

He nodded his head and I opened the doors of bathroom for him.

I helped him take off his clothes; managing to do it before he peed himself.

"Okay, now your hands buddy."

He washed his hands before we walked out of the room.

Just at the time, Olivia got out of her room.

"Ouuu mommy, you look pretty!"
"Thank you baby."


How did I get so lucky?

I mean, she's not mine. But at least I can say she's a mom of my kid.

My eyes wouldn't move off of her. I was constantly checking her up and down.

How can someone be so effortlessly beautiful?

She's like the queen on the world.

At least my world.

She could run over me with the car and I would thank her.

That's how stunning she is.

"I like you outfit. Looks like your dad has a style."

She smirked at me, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I always had it."

I winked before walking to the living room.

I picked up my phone and wallet putting them in my pocket.

"We ready?"

We walked out of the apartment and Olivia locked the doors.

I think I'm the luckiest man ever to exist.

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𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now