"Open your bag. Open your bag now" He shouted ,as I hug my bag between my chest and continuously shook my head.

He can't. No he will hurt my little guy.

"There's nothing in here." I said

He forcefully opened my bag and he saw the puppy.

"What is happening here?!" The teacher suddenly appear.

What a wrong timing!

" Say hi to a new punishment freak." He whisper to me and smirked

He then turn to face the teacher. Damn Shit!!

"Sir , Zee brought an animal in the class. Is it not breaking the rules?" He said to the teacher

Is bullying not breaking to he school rules?

Damn fucking bastard. May bad karma follow you!

"Is it true Zee?" Mr. Quesz asked me.

I nooded. I guess I'll just do what James said. To say hi to a new punishment.

"Go to my office now, The rest of you will study our yesterday's lesson because we are going to have an assessment when I come back" He said and walk out.

I follow the teacher to his office still hugging the back in my chest. As we arrived we sat and start the conversation.

"Zee do you not know that bringing your pet in school is not allowed except if it has permit of the teachers?" He started

I nodded again in response.

I'm sweating really hard right now. I'm nervous I don't wanna add this trouble to my bad moral record. What if I got expelled now?

" I'm sorry sir, but I can't leave him in the house so I brought him here" I explained

Maybe he's going to spare me, He's a young and handsome teacher . God please. Help me. Mama what should I do now?

" And what is the reason why you brought your pet in my class?" He rest his jaw in his hand, looking at me directly.

I gulped. I almost piss in my pants because of nervousness.

" I-I found a puppy last night. He is injured so I decided to take him home. I can't just left him alone in my room in his condition so I brought him here. But I promise once he is ok I'm will not bring him again." I said almost tearing.

The teacher's brow clenched. And I gulp again. This handsome man is scary and is making me piss in my pants.

" Can I see the puppy?"

I lift the puppy from the bag, the moment he saw the teacher he growled .

Oh my god! Baby do not do that!

The teacher seems so shocked the moment he saw the puppy. Well maybe he was having a cuteness heart attack? why not right? My baby is cute even when growling.

" So you aren't lying" He suddenly said that gives me relief.

" Did you check him up in the vet?" He ask

Am I saved now? oh yes!

"I still haven't. I just found him last night and I don't have money for a vet clinic" I shyly said.

This just really remind me how poor I am.

I hear the teacher sighs , so I turn my gaze towards him immediately.

"Ok, I'll let you bring the puppy in my class, I'll also ask the other teacher about it, but you should make sure the puppy won't disturb any class." He informed me

I also jump in happiness. This little guy is indeed my Lucky charm.

"Thank you! I'm very thankful. I promise he won't disturb any class. He proved it earlier . Thank you Sir!" I'm over the cloud happy right now

Mr. Quesz chuckles. He pet the head of the puppy and smiled.

"Also bring him to the vet, and do not worry for the payment, it is all on me. Just go to this clinic and tell your name. I'll be calling the doctor for your appointment, is the next day alright?" He offers.

Mr. Quesz is a handsome Angel!

Thank heavens for this blessing!

" Thank you very much sir. I'm really thankful for this. Thank you!"  I cried

Good people is very rare in my life. I really happy and thankful.

" Go on we still have assessment " He smiled and patted my head.

"Thank you sir" I smiled back and kiss little guys head.

Oh I forgot he still doesn't have a name.

" Hey little guy, I forgot I still haven't name you" I cooed him

" Because you are my lucky charm today ,I'm gonna name you Zylak. You like it huh? you like it?" I'm still using my baby talk to him

Zylak yelps and wags his tail.
He is such an adorable puppy

"The pup likes the name you gave" Mr. Quesz said

I look at Mr. Quesz. How did he know?

"Really?" I ask

The teacher clear his throat and look away

"Well he is yelping and wagging his tail, it appear to me that he really like the name you gave" He explained.

Well he is right. This little guy really is yelping his ass .

" Well I like your name too" I cooed and kiss his forehead

I really adore this little guy. I know I said I don't believe in love but if there is someone I'm gonna love, it was him and only him. Not another man , not another puppy, Only Zylak.

"Zee? We still have a class" Mr.Quesz reminded me

Opps I clearly forgotten about it.

"Ok Let's go sir, and thank you!" I walk out the door and head to our class

what a wonderful day I have.

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