What The F*** Is Going On!?

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A/N : Established relationship and Striker isn't a major yikes. Also tw for a panic attack and toxic masculinity

Striker was not having a good time. He wasn't sure why, but suddenly it felt like all the air was kicked out of his lungs with a sledgehammer, and the world was spinning. He also felt incredibly scared, partially because he was confused as to what was going on, and the rest was lord knows why. What the fuck is going on?

Thankfully, he wasn't on a job. That would be the worst. He was safely in his bed (or technically him and Blitzo's bed), so at least he was in a safe location. However, that did not change the fact that he was panicking.

Blitzo was still at work, just finishing up on some paperwork, but he was gonna be coming back home soon, so that helped Striker to stay at least partially grounded, though not enough. He just couldn't seem to calm down. You're a man, Striker he thought to himself Quit acting up

Only one or maybe two minutes later, Striker heard the front door of their apartment open. "Honey, I'm home" Blitzo said in an overly theatric tone, quoting something but Striker was not in a state to remember what exactly the quote was from.

Blitzo was a bit confirmed at the lack of any response. Typically, Striker would walk out and give him a "welcome home" kiss, or at least respond with a "Hey darlin', I'll be right out" if he was in the bathroom or something. Either he's not here or something is wrong Blitzo thought to himself as he started looking around for his boyfriend

Eventually, he went into their bedroom and quickly spotted Striker on the bed, curled up in a ball and hyperventilating. He quickly but calmly ran to his side and crawled into bed next to him. Striker leaned into him, something which caught Blitzo off guard but he just gently stroked the taller imp's hair.

"Can you name five things that you see?" Blitzo prompted in a softer voice than normal. He didn't wanna stress Striker out any more with his usual over the top shouting. Striker was beginning to calm down already (his breathing was a little bit slower) as he looked around

"Th-The television" he started shakily, a rare tone for him to carry "The closet. Um... B-Bedsheets and the blanke- the blankets and erm... You?" he finished with an unsure expression, making eye contact with Blitzo, who gave a reassuring nod. "Yeah, you're doing great" he said with a smile. "Now, four things you feel?"

"Erm... O-Okay" Striker responded shakily, taking a deep breath to calm down a bit more. "Well, I feel you..." he started uncomfortably "The the the um... Blanket- again erm" Blitzo gently grabbed onto his hand to help soothe him. "The a-air from the vents and the uh- the um... My heart beating" he finished. He was getting much calmer. "Great job" Blitzo said with a reassuring smile "Three things you can hear?"

They went like this for awhile more, and with each thing that Striker listed, he felt himself calming down more and more. By the time they were done, he was no longer panicking, with the only remnant being that he was a bit shaky. He took a deep breath and uncurled from Blitzo

"Sorry ya had to see that" he said in his usual southern drawl, avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend. "What the fuck are you apologizing for?" Blitzo responded, confused. Striker shot him a confused glance. "Ya came home to yer boyfriend being a scared little girl fer no damn reason"

"You're not a little girl" Blitzo responded. "I acted like one" Striker said, once again dropping the eye contact. "That's not true either" Blitzo replied, placing a hand on Striker's jaw to get the eye contact re-initiated. "You are the strongest man I know" Blitzo told him with a warm smile "A little panic attack won't change that"

"You're sappy today" Striker responded with a grin, all hints of insecurity leaving. Blitzo playfully shoved him and then got up. "Don't ruin it" he said with a smile. "Now, I am gonna go make some MOTHERFUCKING POPCORN so we can watch a MOTHERFUCKING MOVIE!" he shouted, voice returning to the usual state of chaos, which made Striker chuckle.

Blitzo turned to leave but was stopped in the doorway by a "Wait". He turned back to see Striker looking at him with a loving expression. "I love ya" Striker said "And erm... Thanks"

"Yeah" Blitzo replied with a smile "I love you too"

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