Day one

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Name: Hinata Shoyo
Age: 20
Sex: Cis Male
illness: schizophrenia
Analysis: obvious signs of schizophrenia on arrival keeps talking about how he needs to help them. When he is calm he is quite nice and shows possible signs of unmedicated ADHD. Had various scratches and bruises but it's unknown who caused them or if it was self-harm.

"Hello, Hinata my name is Soren I was excited to meet you I'm here to analyze you to see if I or anyone else here can help."
A middle-aged lady sat across from him. She had thick black glasses that went well with the purple sweater that she had under a white doctor's jacket. Her hair was curly and it was measly thrown into a ponytail her hair was dark with a few grey hairs. Her voice was soft like her eyes everything about her seemed kind she was truly meant to be a therapist Shoyo thought.

He didn't respond so she cleared her throat and began to speak again. "Let's start when you started seeing these 'demons' as you called them before." She said grabbing a box of pens they were in a clear case and the pens were in rainbow order. "They're ghosts." Hinata corrected she hummed in response scribbling something down in a purple pen. She seemed to like that colour he thought playing with the hem of his hospital clothes. It was a simple white shirt and sweat pants nothing special.

"Okay, when did you start seeing ghosts." She said looking him in the eye for the first time. "Every since I remember but I started to try and talk to them in high school." Her eyes lit up when he said he started to talk to them in high school. "Okay let's start there! Tell me about some experience you had if you feel comfortable." Soren said getting her pen ready.

"Okay well, it was-" As he talked Soren wrote frantically trying to keep up.

Usually, on Friday mornings he would take his bike but today his tier got popped probably by a ghost so he resorted to walking. The walk was pretty long and Shoyos shoes weren't great for walking every step felt like a needle was stabbing him he probably was getting scabs. He was lost in thought and didn't notice the short figure walking next to him. He was terrified of ghosts he usually would run but when this ghost tapped him on the back she seemed harmless almost kind.

"Hello, my name Yachi Hisoka are you going to Karasuno too?" Her sweet smiles erased all the fear away she almost seemed human if you don't count the blood dripping from a hole in her head. She was wearing a school uniform but the kind you would wear in early fall with a light jacket. Ghosts don't s ask ways to know when they're dead they just want to believe what they want but she didn't seem revengeful just shy. "Y-Yeah we can walk together if you'd like." He said smiling back at the girl.

They had a short conversation about school work the ghost was fairly smart and quite sweet she gave him tips on how to do better on tests. "Hey, Hinata do you know Kiyoko?" She said before he walked away. "Yeah, she's a third-year I believe." He said walking back to her. "Can you give this to her I feel bad I never got to?" She handed him a pink box. "Sure!" He said and went to look for her before school.

He found her by the lockers she was changing her shoes and didn't even notice him till he was right next to her. "Hello?" She said turning to him. "Yachi wanted you to have this before she died." She looked at him like he was crazy. "How do you know- Never mind thank you." She said and opened it it was a small key chain nothing special but still Kiyoko giggled before clipping it onto her blue backpack.

"Thank you she knew I loved it when we went out shopping once." She said
wiping away a stray hair. "I gotta go." And just like that, she disappeared and so did Yachi is a flashing light.

Hinata didn't quite understand what was happening so he decided to talk to more ghosts they all had something keeping them here, whether it be an action, person, promise or object. Once he helped them leave this realm he didn't get bothered by the ghost anymore he saw it as his destiny why else would he be able to see them.

But sometimes the ghost didn't know what they needed or was too stubborn/shy to talk. Like Tsukishima this mans has been bothering Hinata for a few months he doesn't know/won't say what's keeping him here so Hinata can't help him. Tsukishima usually wears thick glasses that have broken lenses he was wearing a purple hoodie and blue jeans. The only thing Shoyo knew about him was he was quite smart and occasionally helped Hinata on tests. He also looked to be poisoned because he had no clear markings of blood and occasionally would drip blood and light blue toxins from his mouth or even vomiting. He was 16 when he died and it was around 1970 but he said he wasn't sure because his memory was fuzzy.

Today he decided to sit at the table to talk to Shoyo even though he was expressive on how much he hated him. "So you don't have friends that's pathetic." The blond said twirling his glasses in his hand. "I don't see you chilling with any other ghosts hypocrite," Shoyo said eating an apple from his bag. "Hm, I had a friend," Tsukishima said looking down at a charm he pulled out of his pocket. "Oh, what where they like." The older(if you don't count ghost years) boy asked. The blond paused for a second before stating he didn't remember and if he did he wouldn't tell him.

An alarm started screeching throughout the tiny room and Soren quickly shuffled to slam the STOP button. "We'll I think that's enough for today are you alright." She said. Hinata shock a bit before nodding. "I'm just worried he'll be mad at me."


"Never mind I'm going to head to lunch." Hinata said walking out with a nurse.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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