Chapter 3

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I walked into the castle with everyone and sat down with the Gryffindors. We all watch as the new first years line up in the middle and a professor brings out the sorting hat. Rose and I like to guess what house the first years are going to be sorted into before the hat announces their choice. But when the sorting ceremony ends, we go our separate ways and I sit down with my house.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud to call myself a Slytherin and understand why the sorting hat placed me there. It's just that sometimes I wish I was in Gryffindor. I could be with my friends and follow the family tradition. But I guess new generation, new tradition. Dad always says that my grandparents would be proud of me, no matter what house. But I can't help but feel like a disappointment sometimes.

"Welcome to all new students and welcome back to our old students. We are very excited for another wonderful school year and to just have all of you here. You guys-" Professor Longbottom, the headmaster of Hogwarts, starts his usual speech. He gives the same one every single year but I don't Blame him at the same time. He goes on for another 5 minutes so I just drown out his voice with my thoughts.

"Now. You may eat!" I hear him say when I tune back in and all of the the food appears on the table. I grab food quickly before the boys are able to take it all and watch as the first years try to get food without pissing off any of the upperclass. Their hesitation makes me laugh.

I'm having a conversation with some of the boys around me when I feel Damian's cold hand slide onto my thigh once again. I quickly turn my hand to give him a glare but that only makes him smirk more. So I do my best to pretend like his hadn't isn't even there, continuing my conversation with Ben Zabini.

Except every time I said something flirty, he would squeeze my thigh just to piss me off. But I wasn't gonna let him have that satisfaction he so desperately desires.

He starts moving his hand further up my thigh in an attempt to catch a reaction. But having to put up with years of Malfoy, I've learned how to keep up my poker face. The only thing about this is that we've never tortured each other like this.. in a touchy way.

He starts to create a circular motion with his finger just below the hem of my skirt, making it a little harder to focus on my conversation with Ben.

"So I've gotten a lot of practice this year and hopefully Timothy will put me as a beater this year."

"Yeah I-" I pause for hardly a second as Damian slid just one finger underneath my skirt. No one could have noticed my pause but of course Damian did. I knew he had when his smile just grew bigger, he was enjoying this.

"I also practiced a lot this year with my dad so Malfoy will have a hard time getting seeker this year." I continue on and Damian just rolls his eyes.

I decide that it's my turn to fuck with Damian and get up from my seat, he obviously didn't see that coming by the look on his face. I walked around the table so that I could sit next to Ben.

"Sorry, I'm really interested in what you're saying but I could hardly hear you." I moved myself closer to Ben so that are knees and arms were touching as Ben continued to talk.

I gave all of my attention to Ben and not a drop to Damian which I knew was making him mad. When Ben made a joke, I touched his arm as we laughed together.

I quickly glance to see if he was watching and as expected, he was. His jawline clearly showing as he turned his head to the side with his jaw clenched tightly.

Once our laughter died down, he turned his head back to us and I leaned into Ben's ear. I whispered lightly in his ear about how there's no way he's not gonna be a beater this year with how strong he is. But the whole time I was whispering in his ear, I kept eye contact with Damian. Daring him to look away but as always, he accepted my challenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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