Chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning feel like I got barely any sleep. I start to get ready. I grab a green and black plaid mini skirt and matching green tight sweater. I slide on my black boots and apply some makeup.

I pack up some final things and then head down stairs with my luggage. I place my trunk by the door and walk into the kitchen for some breakfast. When I walk in there Damian is already sitting down, eating some eggs and bacon. I ignore him and grab a plate, pretending last night never happened.

I place some eggs and bacon on my plate as well and place a slice of bread in the toaster. I sit at the table, as far away from Damian as possible. He tries to make eye contact with me a few times but I just stare at my food for all of breakfast.

When my mom says that it's time to go, I get up and put my dishes in the sink. I quickly walk over to my trunk and pick it up. I head to the car and open up the back. I place my trunk in the car and sit inside it while I wait for my parents and Damian. I scroll through my phone and start texting Rose.


Rose: Sooo? How was the sleepover with Damian??

Holly: I have so much to fill u in on. Try to get our own cabin on the train so that I can fill u in.

Rose: Oooo. Ok!

Holly: See you at the station. xoxo

Rose: Alright, love you.

Holly: Love u 2

It's a quiet ride to the station, very awkward not to mention. Everyone kind of just sat there in silence. Damian and I were on our phone while my parents talked among themselves.

When we got there, I got out of the car and my dad grabbed my luggage. I walked to platform 9 and 3/4 like I could do it in my sleep. I didn't see Rose or any of the Weasleys so I assumed they were already through the portal.

We checked to make sure no one was looking and ran right through the wall. When I got in there, the station was full of moving people all trying to get to different places. I found Hermione and Ron over by the train so I rushed over there to see if Rose was there. When I locked eyes with Rose, she ran to me and we gave each other a big hug.

"It's our 6th year babe!" Rose say's with extreme excitement. "I know. It's going to be so much fun." I say and then pick up my luggage that I dropped before I hugged Rose. "So did you get a cabin yet?" I ask curious. "Of course darling. Who do you think you're talking to" Rose says and then laughs. "I laid all of my shit all over so no one would go in there. Plus I put Ameila in there as well so no one should bother her"

Ameila is Rose's new ferret she got. Ameila is super cute with all white fur. Was rare to find but Hermione helped Rose find one. They can find anything, just ask them and bam. You got it.

"Alright sounds like a plan. I'm gonna say goodbye to my parents and then I'll be right there. Go ahead and get in the cabin. I'll find ya" I say as Rose nods and gets on the train. She already said goodbye to her parents so now it's my turn.

I turn to my parents and I already see my mom start to get a little teary eyed. "Mom don't cry. You'll see me for Christmas break and it's just Hogwarts." I say but it doesn't matter she cries every year.

"Come here" my dad says and I give him a hug that turns into a group hug between the three of us.

When we break away from our hug I look at my dad and he looks down at me and says "now don't get into any trouble missy" He says jokingly. "Don't worry dad." I know he jokes but deep down we all know that he's serious when he says it. "Alright, try not to get in too much trouble with Malfoy. Please no physical fights this year." About 2 years ago I tackled Damian in the courtyard when he pissed me off so that turned into a fist fight. Howlers were sent and black eyes were left.

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