"Why don't you just crucio him?" He asked with his eyebrow lifted.

I shrugged, took out my wand and waved my wand at the man and whispered out "Crucio."

He started screaming out in endless pain, "Thanks for the idea." I gestured towards Tom.

He nodded watching the man cry out, fire seemed to light up in his eyes.

"I want you." He whispered turning to me.

"But I haven't finished with him," I pouted at him while gesturing towards the bloodied man.

"I don't care, just kill him and come to our room." He turned to the door.

"Fast." He added before walking out of the door, it clicked behind him.

I sighed then turned towards the screaming man, "Pity." I muttered to myself.

"You're lucky he wants me right now, other wise I would have this going on for hours." I told him.

"Now I could just use the killing curse on you but that would be boring." I waved my wand around.

I tied him with chains using a spell, then removed the magic that was keeping him alive.

"So I'm just going to leave you to bleed out." I smiled.

"Toodles." I waved my fingers at him before walking out of the door, I then made my way to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, then peered at my blood stained hands. I sighed then opened the grubby tap, water streamed out loudly I put my hands under it and scrubbed them.

Eventually I turned the tap off, shook the water on my hands off then wiped them on the back off my skirt.

We had this abandoned unit Tom bought for me to torture those cruel disgusting monsters; I went upstairs and apparated to our house.

I walked into the house, and smiled at the sight of the décor. I decorated it all, Tom just wanted to get a designer to do it but I didn't let him.

So I sometimes got to drag him to help pick out paint colors, or curtains or the kitchen counters.

Sometimes I went on my own, it was fun customizing the oversized mansion.

I walked to the master bed room, opened the white door and was bombarded by darkness.

The blinds were down, the lights were off, I closed the door behind me despite it being the only light coming into the room.

"Tom?" I called out scrunching my face.

Silence, I slowly made my way to the edge of the bed, feeling the way there. "Tom, this isn't funny." I called out once more.

I sighed still getting no answer, as soon as I let my shoulders slump I felt a force tackle me from the behind making me crash into the bed, as this was happening I let out a strangled scream.

I heard deep laughter which I soon recognized to be Tom's, "Tom what the hell?" I groaned out.

Tom eventually muttered out a spell which gave low lighting to the room, I squinted at him.

I dragged myself to the pillow, plopping my head into one.

"That wasn't funny." I muttered turning my back on him.

He pulled me into his chest, "It was for me."

"It wAs foR mE." I mocked him in my silliest voice.

I felt his lips placing kisses on my neck, I turned breaking his contact.

"Nah ah, you aren't getting away with this by not saying sorry." I booped his nose.

He rolled his eyes, "Sorry." He breathed out under his breath.

"I didn't hear you." I teased.

"Don't make me say it again." He spoke firmly.

"Okay okay." I smiled.

I tucked my head into his chest, breathing in the smell of his fading cologne.

He lifted his hand to the back of my head and started to play with my hair.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled to myself, "I love you too."


Authors Note:

Ummm THANKS FOR 100+ READS?!?! I wasn't expecting this book to get more then 10, so thank you.

Sorry I've been uploading like shit, but this is a long chapter so I hope you enjoyed it.

Feel free to request scenes, or give me ideas since my few brain cells are struggling to make ideas.

I have a long draft for my 'Wounds' book too, I kind of got stuck in it.

Oh well, I'll be focusing on this book the most.

Have a good day or night! <3

- Elena

Tom Riddle Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें