Chapter 8

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May 2009, Sri Lanka,

Parthi screamed and wriggled in pain, while hiding his face in the hollow of the shoulder of one of the male nurses, who held him tightly. The doctor's sweat trickled down from his forehead to his eyebrows. He used all the strength that he could muster to cut away the remaining bones, tendons, nerves and skin with a fruit knife. His white gown and hands were filled with splatter of blood. He looked like a psychotic murderer cutting his victim into pieces. Full of concentration and purpose.

Parthi moaned in pain so much that he passed out. Bala's mother held Shoba and Bala beside her, and covered their eyes so that they will not be able to see this. Both the kids cried when they heard their good friend and brother, shout at the top of his voice and pass out.

Bala's mother looked at the horrible scene, and felt light-headed. It was a bloody mess, and the sounds of cutting a human ankle with a small knife, just made the scene unbearable. One of the nurses, who was holding the leg down, fainted and dropped to the side.

"Almost done!" the doctor exclaimed and the ankle came off the leg.

"Quick! Get the medicines and bandages," the doctor said. The two nurses who were holding Parthi's shoulders, sprang into action. The doctor splashed the ointments on the stump, and wrapped it with a lot of bandage. The doctor did all he could, and he backed away from Parthi to take a breather.

After a few moments, he looked at Bala's mother and smiled.

"All done," the doctor said, "Are you alright?"

"Just feeling light-headed," Bala's mother replied. Bala and Shoba had went to get a blanket for Parthi, who was sleeping after passing out earlier. Bala came back with a blanket and placed it over his friend.

The nurses went over to the fainted nurse, and helped him to wake up. One of them had managed to bring a wheelchair from the burning building that was used to be a hospital moments ago.

"Sir, I got this for him," the nurse told the doctor. The doctor smiled, and patted his back to show his appreciation. Bala's mother sat beside Parthi to rest, and look after him. The doctor pushed the wheelchair to Bala's mother and realized that the left front small wheel was broken. Nevertheless, it is still good for now.

He looked at Bala's mother, who returned the look without any other emotions on her face. "Good night," he said, and left to tend to the other patients.

The night went by quietly. No sounds of shelling, no screams or crying. Just the once-in-awhile moans of pain from some. Bala's mother looked at the kids as they were sleeping on the grass. It has been quite a night for them. The sun will be rising soon, and before they know it, it will be time to move again towards the No Fire Zone.

Bala's mother got up, and walked to find the doctor. He was busy talking to one of the male nurses, and she interrupted them. The doctor saw her coming towards him.

"Yes? Anything wrong?" the doctor asked.

"Just wanted to say thank you for all that you have done," she said.

"Don't mention it. Just take care of your son's friend. That boy is a brave boy, and he has went through hell today," the doctor said.

"Yes doctor. He saw his parents getting killed by a bomb shell and now lost his leg. I really hope no other kid in the world has to go through this," she replied.

"We were lucky today that no one was killed in the shelling. The previous hospital where we stationed first was bombed also. Many people died, including my nurses and helpers," the doctor continued. "I really don't know what is the motive of the government. It looks more like a massacre than actual war here."

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