Entering he saw doyoung sitting in his desk typing into his computer. "hyung" haechan voice made the older look up.

"What happened"

"Got any plan b pills?"

"Top cabinet right corner" doyoung said, not questioning the younger. It was normal for members to ask for those.

Haechan grabbed the pill box walking away.

"Use a condom next time" doyoung warned him. The other left the room with a water bottle and box in his hands.

Going back into his room his eyes falling to the girl that was on her phone. He opened up the box taking the pill out of the wrap.
"Here" with a hand extended for her to grab.
Jeongha pulled her upper body up in a sitting positioning she grabbed the pill and opened water bottle.

"Thanks" she said after finishing.

His phone buzzed, grabbing it from the nightstand, it was a message sent to their group chat by their leader.

TY: Meeting in 20

He showed her the message.

"I'll go get changed." Standing up from the bed she gave him a peck on the lips leaving his room.

She entered hers, putting on some shorts, not feeling the need to change her shirt. She held her hair up with a clip, strands of hair falling on her face.

She left her room, going to the first floor she grabbed a peach for breakfast. Going back up to the second floor, haechan was already there. The both of them walking to the meeting room.

One of the first ones to be there they sat themselves in the middle, seats soon being filled by the other members. Their leaders sitting at the front for all of them to see.

"Okay we shall start" their boss spoke, sitting himself down he started speaking about the new mission.

"Haechan... It's finally time." Taeyong said a small smile falling on his lips. Eyes falling to the younger. "We found your father" those words made haechan's grip on her hand tighten. The moment he had been waiting for was finally here.

"Where is he?"

"District 8, he owns a club there, we will be going there for our first mission. The underboss takes care of it." Mark continued.

"We have two weeks. We need to retrieve the files from their office. Important documents are held there we need to know what they know about us, their mission planners, and their base blueprints" kun informed.

"In two weeks we will train, the skills of every single one of you will be needed. You will seperate into groups. Hackers, doctors,
physical fighters, gun experts, knive users. Mark, haechan, jisung and me will be helping in all groups. We will help you improve your skills. To our two new members they will be going through tests. Our hackers... Renjun will be leading you, you're going to build up a system, capable of having all the CCTV cameras from district 8 in display" taeyong said. The screen in front of them held the names of the members names divided into groups.


Gun experts:

Physical fighter:

Knive experts:


"Jaemin, you are also in charge of making our bombs, ten and renjun besides the system I need you to design our new uniforms"

"Jeongha, you must be wondering why you are here" jeongha's eyes looked up from her lap.


"The club, men go there in need of women for obvious reasons. You will be needed for this mission, you need to be the one that distracts the underboss until the others are able to take the files"

"No she's not doing it! She can't go in there something could go wrong she doesn't even know how to fire a gun!" Haechan's protests filled the room her hand calming him down.

"I have a black belt in taekwondo, I'm perfectly capable of defending myself" she informed him. His face becoming serious.

"You're not going"
"Yes I am"

He stopped realizing that he said yes instead of no. "See I won"

"Continue, please" jeongha told taeyong as if she didn't just have a 'yes or no' battle with haechan.

"Jeongha will be trained for the next two weeks by our bests, haechan and jisung. You will teach her how to shoot a gun, defense in physical fights, and knive throwing. The basics to get herself out of trouble."

"Training starts at 4, eat something and change into gym clothes. This week is regular dress code. Next week we are training in our uniforms."

The members left the meeting room. Some going to the kitchen others going to sleep and getting as much energy as they could because they knew it was gonna be the most tiring 2 weeks of their life.

 Some going to the kitchen others going to sleep and getting as much energy as they could because they knew it was gonna be the most tiring 2 weeks of their life

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A/n: I had to look up some stuff on here because I had zero idea on what to write for the first half. God forgive me 😭 it was short because I didn't know what to write.

Also my intention is not to sexualize anyone, this is a pure make of fiction.

Thank you for 300 reads it was at 200 like 3 days ago.🤧✋💚

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