🥀Her Revenge🥀

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Her leather boots smashed against the floor. She's getting near. I could hear her softly sniffing the air, probably tracking my scent. I should've taken a shower before coming here.

My breathing was labored and my eyelids felt heavy. As much as I despised hospitals, I needed one right now. I've had it with doctors constantly bitching about how I should live my life, but at least they get the job done and patch me up.

I kept telling myself to stay awake. Everytime I even thought about closing my eyes, I bit down on my lips. They already had stitches, might as well destroy them more.

As if quietly stalking me wasn't fun enough, she started humming nursery rymes our class used to sing back in elementary school. Those danm songs always triggered my PTSD. I covered my ears to block her humming. For a moment it worked. Then she had the audacity to start singing. Loudly.

"Ring-a-ring-a-rosies," She cooed aloud. Her raspy voice made me flinch.

"A pocket full of posies," She was near.

"Ashes... ashes..." My knife was unsheathed.

"We all..." I held my breath.

"Fall..." Right outside.

"DOWN!" She forcefully yanked me out of the closet by my injured arm. I howled out at the top of my lungs and swung the knife around.

I felt the knife penatrate flesh. The only problem was that it was my own, and my knife sunk right into the arm Cassandra held me by.

"You missed me, dumbass!" She giggled and dropped me on the floor. My broken body thudded against the cold tile. I couldn't  stop myself from crying. The pain was unbearable.

"I really missed this side of you. You never cry anymore, it just makes me sad!" Cassandra complained and laid her knee on my throat, forcing me to gasp for air.

"Fu...ck... off...." I snarled.

"Adorable little ginger, I just love the way you squirm!" She said and grabbed me again before tossing me across the room with supernatural strength. I grasped the moldy wall, snapping one of my overgrown fingernails. My knife was still embedded within my arm.

It went on like this for at least another minute. I couldn't feel anything but the throb of my weak heart. Stay awake, stay awake! I constantly reminded myself. I didn't know how much longer I can last. I probably shouldn't even bother trying. Everything hurts like hell. She was just tossing me around like an old toy at this point, tearing my fragile stitching and pouring out my stuffing like a kindergardener.

"H-how?" I moaned. It took all I had to just say a single word. Cassandra understood what I was asking.

"It takes more than a little gun to kill a demon, now just shut up and die now. You killed my friends. It's only right to kill yours. I wanted to go after them first to make you suffer as much as possible, but you just happen to walk right into my claws, how very nice of you!"

While she was blabbering about her glorious revenge plot, I reached for something in my pocket. My last hope. This peice of shit better be on silent. I just gotta distract her and hope my plan works. Feeling a little more giddy than moments before. In fact, I feel a little better, now with newfound hope. I felt like chatting.

"Where have you been for all these years?" I asked her, wincing at the effort it took to speak. Cassandra was obviously surprised by my question.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" She snapped. She was on to me.

"Chill, living right now is more painful than getting shot into he head. I wanna know answers before I die, sheesh." I growled. She snickered.

"For once you make a fair point, watching you live longer is funnier. I've been roaming around the streets by myself and-" Cassandra started going on about her sad teenage years fighting cats for chicken bones on the streets. Boring I just need her to keep talking but danm, I almost wanted to shoot myself and just get this torture over with. I've already thought up a list of questions, to all which she told long-ass stories about. I was doing good, I can just hope that help was on the way. I asked yet another question, one that I shouldn't have asked.

"Why did you decide to wait so long to kill me?" She froze. Her vacant glare was settled between my eyes. Her trigger finger twitched. Ah shit, here we go again. I thought to myself.

"Why. Why? Because you hurt me, Pico, I told you this already. You foiled my plans, killed my friends, and nearly killed me. I've been healing myself, dibshit! It would be suicidal to fight you in the state I was in! But now..." She paused and chuckled ominously. "Now you are nothing but a heap of broken bones before me. I can't fucking help myself... seeing you like this just- hahaha... I don't want to wait to kill your sorry ass ANY longer! HAAAAHAAAHAAA!"

Before I could even blink she held up her gun to my head. They didn't get here in time. Now I'm as dead as a mouse caught in the claws of a lion.

"See you in hell, bitch." I screamed at her before shutting my eyes, awaiting my fate.


"He's over here, come on!" Instead of the gunshots that would've ended my life, I heard a familiar voice. A voice I was always glad to hear.

"What did you do..." Cassandra hissed at me as my eyes opened to see her reaction.

"Doing what I do best, surviving tight situations in the most ridiculous way possible." I shrugged casually, winking at her. She lifted her gun at my face again, but dropped it as something smacked her hand.

"Listen here, lady, fight me in a rap battle or leave my friend alone and get out of here!" A scruffy voice rang out into the classroom.

"Blu!" I exclained joyously. "You got my message?"

"Message? You called me and on the other end somebody was threatening you, that was no message, only your location!" Blu snorted, twirling around the chord of his microphone that he always carried around.

"You bastard, you tricked me! How stupid are you?!" Cassandra screened like a banshee, absolutely pissed off that she fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book.

"Hello, do you wanna battle or not?" Blu asked innocently while walking in front of me to shield me from whatever she might do next.

"Thanks for coming, man. Please tell me there is someone with you, or else we're surely dead." I groaned while he helped me up, allowing me to lean on his shoulder to stand.

"Gabby is here, she'll kick that goth girl's ass and send her back to hell!" He whispered excitedly, ready to see his beloved girlfriend in action. As on cue, she entered the doorway like a supermodel. She leaned against the doorframe, striking a dashing pose in her sparkling red dress.

"Looks like somebody is giving my boys some trouble, hmm?" She sighed, looking down at her nails. Blu snickered, and I couldn't help but smile despite the intense pain I was in. Cassandra was dumbfounded and edged towards the holes in the wall.

"Another demon, shit." She muttered under her breath. She turned her head to Pico before pointing at him with a long, red claw.

"Don't relive yourself just yet. This just gives me another oppritinuty to make your life miserable before I drag you to hell! I'll be back!" She roared and lept out the hole into the moon-lit playground outside before vanishing into the shadows. An eerie silence filled the room.

"Sorry I dragged you into this mess... she's my problem, not yours. Now she'll probably be after you." I coughed. My body was aching. I was covered in my own blood. The knife in my left arm was still there. I should really get medical treatment before I die after all I've been through to stay alive.

"Nah, we owed you one after saving both of us from an entire fucking army!" Blu laughed, gently punching my shoulder.

"Thanks. Now we're even." I wanted to feel afraid of her and what she might do next, but I couldn't help but feel happy as my two friends, Blu and Gabby, held me up as we strolled out of the abandoned school. I'm never coming back here ever again.

Friday Night Funkin Oneshots! *Open!*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant