Chapter XXII

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I mention you when I say my prayers.
I wrap you around all of my thoughts.
Boy you're my temporary high.




I WASN'T SURE how long I had been passed out for, but by the time I regained my consciousness, I was surrounded by vast fields and an empty silence where a pin dropping could be heard. I wasn't too sure where we were, but it was clear to see that we had put some distance between us and where he had been attacked. The fact that I couldn't find the car that I had crashed only proved this further.

The car was pulled over to the side of the road and apart from a single guard in the driver's seat staring out the window like he had more important places to be at, I seemed to be alone. I couldn't help but wonder why we were pulled over and where everyone else was, but my answer came in the form of three other black SUVs that surrounded us on every side.

There was one in front of us, stopping us from inching forward. There was another one right beside us which probably had been the car to force us into the side of the road and there was another one behind us.

We had been ambushed! I thought I made it out of the attack, but I was only coming to realise that it wasn't over.

I sat up in my seat, ready to make a run for it when the throbbing in my head eased up just enough for my brain to make a vital realisation.

I wasn't in any imminent danger.

If I was, there would be no reason for the guard in front of me to be sitting there looking as bored as he was looking. Even if he had no possible means of escaping, at least he would look a little scared and upset like I did. That was, unless he was working with the people who attacked me but I doubted that.

Peering out the window, I saw more of my guards talking to men that looked familiar to me. Men that I was sure worked for Daniel. We hadn't been ambushed. They were just helping us.

I slumped back into my seat, letting my heart rate return back to normal as I fluttered my eyes shut. Although my headache had eased up in the last couple minutes, it still felt like there was a marching band in my head, it felt so bad. As if that wasn't enough, I became aware of the many cuts I had acquired from the shattered glass all over my right arm which stung me whenever I moved.

The blood from the cuts were only beginning to dry, leaving me with the icky feeling you get whenever something wet doesn't dry completely. There was a huge throbbing bruise on my forehead too. I couldn't see it, but I knew it was there with the way it ached and when I brought my fingers up to brush over it, they returned covered in blood.

I let out a small groan and let my eyes flutter closed as the exhaustion from the earlier events hit me. Apparently, worrying for your life took a heavy toll on you. I knew that I was being the slightest bit overdramatic since I could have injuries that posed much bugger threats, but I couldn't help the immense urge to just pass out until my body figured itself out and all the pain faded away.

Before I could lose myself to sleep, the sound of the side door opening hit my ears and I found myself becoming alert. My eyes flew open at the feel of strong arms wrapping around me and pulling me out of the backseat. I let out a surprised squeak and grabbed onto my captors arms only to relax at the sight of Daniel.

“Daniel?” he only grunted in acknowledgement as he carried me out of the car, one arm supporting my back and the other under my knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared up at him for a couple seconds before resting my head on his chest. I could feel him physically tense, but I didn't comment on it. “I didn't think you would come.”

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