Chapter XXI

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Cruise the city in a bulletproof Cadillac.
Cause I know these niggas after where the bag at.
Gotta move smarter,
Gotta move harder.




BY THE TIME I had stepped out of the house the next day, the three guards that were accompanying me were stood by the car they were going to be using. I was in a bad mood since I had spent the whole of last night crying instead of sleeping so instead of addressing any of them, I walked straight passed them towards my own car. I had made it clear that while they were guarding me, I didn't want to be seen with them.

Jorge, much to my dismay, wasn't one of the three guards that was going with me even though he was the only guard I actually liked. To my surprise, he came running to me as soon as he saw me and, like he always did, bowed his head in respect before talking to me.

“Ma'am, there's someone at the gate that's requesting to talk to you.”

I raised an eyebrow at him because the only person that knew I was here was Daniel and Pablo and he already knew to let the both of them in. I opened my mouth to ask who it was, but all I had to do was look around him right at the gate to find out and there I saw him.

The man that used to elicit so much fear in me.

“Mr. Reyes,” I gave him a fake smile as I approached the gates. “To what do I owe the honour?”

“Will you not let me in?” he asked, a devious smirk on his wrinkling face.

Despite Lucien being the asshole that he was - to a higher degree than his son - he was still handsome. It wasn't difficult to figure out where Daniel got it from because anyone could tell that Lucien was fine when he was in his prime. Even now there were lots of women who would kill to be in his bed.

Unfortunately for him though, I wasn't one of them and that was what pissed him off about me.

“I would be stupid to let a snake into my house, wouldn't I?” I asked, tilting my head to the side before laughing. “Not that you consider me anything more than stupid, but that's beyond the point. What do you want, Lucien? Why did you come here?”

“I want to see my grandson,” he answered, making me roll my eyes and take a step forward.

“He's not here.”


“No, I'm not lying but I know you are,” I pointed out as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Why don't you tell me why you're really here and I'll see how I can help you, huh?” I asked, admiring my nails before meeting his gaze and tilting my head to the side.

He narrowed his eyes at me, his gaze slipping from my face to my exposed neck to my chest. He gulped harshly and met my eyes again. “I want to do a paternity test.”

“Ha!” I laughed, gaining his attention instantly. “That's all? You can do whatever you want. In fact, I'll help you. What do you need? His hair? Some blood samples? Saliva maybe?” He continued to glare at him as I laughed in his face, making a mockery of him. “I'll get it for you because I have nothing to hide, but what I will never let you do is get close to my son.”

He took a step back from me, his classic smirk returning as he scanned his eyes over the entire area. “And so what are all these guards? This house?” he asked, gesturing around him. “Did you buy that yourself or are you still relying on my son?”

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