
Începe de la început

She felt her lungs struggle to inhale at how close she was to him on a fucking bed as he was shirtless.

Her knees weaken simply at the beautiful sight of him.

His hair was slightly damp and darkened from his shower, his pale features more vividly sharp. She hesitantly brought her hand to cup his face, her hands tingling at the contact.

He tensed slightly, but she felt his muscles relax seconds after. She brushed her thumb across his pale cheekbone, eyes still locked.

She hadn't realized until their lips touched that they were both inching closer.

She melted completely at the contact of their lips.

She slightly gaped her mouth and he slid his tongue inside, exploring her mouth. He slid his tongue along her bottom teeth, tasting every bit of her.

He lifted the sheets and slid underneath them, crawling on top of her with their lips still connected. Her arms wrapped around his neck whilst his arms were propped lazily on either side of her.

Draco's tongue explored every inch of her mouth, their noses brushing against each other as he sucked over her lips, closing his lips over hers.

Kaylina fought for dominance, their tongues entwining before he allowed her to explore his mouth.


She snatched his bottom lip between her teeth, nipping softly as she pulled it back. He let out a throaty groan at her actions before she let go, letting his lips bounce back into place as she crashed her lips back into his.

He didn't let her have control for so long as he was taking it back. He took control over their kiss, kissing her slowly, but still forcefully and differently.

It was different, this kiss.

It wasn't teeth clashing and desperate like the other two times they kissed.

The other two times they kissed, it was fiery the second their lips touched, it was an immediate burn, but not this one.

This one was slow, passionate, like they wanted to savour the connection and taste of each other's lips.

It was a slow burn throughout her.

Almost as though she were freezing and went to warm up in front of a fire. The flames took a bit of time to fully seep into her skin and spread warmth throughout her body, making her comfortable.

Draco was that fire right now.

Her fingers entangled with his platinum hair as their lips moved in sync, slowly and gently. Kaylina broke the kiss to quickly pull off her shirt, Draco helped her before their lips collided once more.

His toned body was pressing on hers and she could feel his length growing harder by the second through his clothes. She opened her legs just enough for him to be comfortably positioned between them as they continued to kiss.

Her fingertips brushed down his toned body, his chest down to just above his hard abs. He trailed kisses down her jawline and to her neck.

His teeth nipped at her sensitive skin, pulling and his lips sucking aggressively. His wet tongue swirled around the bits he sucked on, soothing the pain before doing the same process to different parts of her skin, leaving dark reddish-purple marks.

His biceps on either side of her were flexing so perfectly, his muscular build, she couldn't believe her eyes. She swears she was dreaming at this specific moment with the beauty on top of her.

𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝗺𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 [𝐝.𝗺]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum