
Start from the beginning

His body fell back.


He had a gun in his hand.

It was a Glock 19.

She picked it up immediately, sticking the knife in the waistband of her pants, not giving a fuck about the blood staining her clothes and her skin. Her heart only hammered quicker, more hard and it actually hurt her.

Continuing to walk through the maze, the gun firmly gripped in her hands as the realization hit her.

She killed a man.

She killed a living and breathing human.

She turned him into nothing but a lifeless, limp body.

Her blood filled with nothing but guilt as she felt a sob coming up.

Stop, now isn't the time to be whining about killing the man. He was sent by Voldemort to kill me if I wasn't trained to fight. I'm doing this to survive.

But to survive what?

To survive and live in a world where Voldemort is in charge?

Where she would be forced to be a Death Eater and serve Voldemort?

To live to do as he says even if it means to kill and torture other living humans?

Fuck, she didn't even know.

She just knew she refused to die here. Her feet didn't stop walking, cautious steps throughout the large stone maze.

"Avada Kedavra!"

She jumped, dunking immediately before turning around to see where the hex came from. She saw two men standing there with wands only about seven feet away from her.

That's not fair.


She once again, dodged it and raised the gun, her finger on the trigger. She pulled the trigger with no hesitation, but one of the men dodged it.

The bullet only skimmed his arm.

"FUCK!" the man roared, grasping his skimmed arm, "GET HER!" he shouted angrily.

Kaylina began to run, dodging every hex being thrown at her as she ignored the heartbeat vibrating throughout her whole body. Her adrenaline was rushing, her stomach was turning as she ran.

She heard the heavy and rapid footsteps of the two men behind her, chasing her down. She made a left turn and her eyes widened at the sight of two more men.

She ditched the path and took another, looking over her shoulder and pulling the trigger at one of the four men that were chasing her.

Straight through his head and he dropped dead.

The three men didn't flinch, they kept chasing after her, hostile expressions on all of their faces.

Kaylina's legs were beginning to ache as she's been sprinting for what felt like forever, continuing to dodge every hex and jinx being tossed at her.

She quickly whipped out the knife from her waist band, still running before looking over her shoulder and chucking it to one of the men.

Straight in his throat as blood gushed and he flickered lifeless.

Her lungs were struggling to catch air, her heart beat only grew more rapid by the second and with every beat from her heart, it sent pain throughout her whole body. She tried to turn and shoot one of the men, but,

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