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Raya weaved through the people of Fang trying to find Namaari. "Dep La! I lost you!" She said when she finally got to her. "I was wondering where you'd got to!" Namaari replied taking Raya's hand in her own.

"What I miss?" She asked Raya.
"Literally nothing, diplomatic meetings are the worst. The others aren't here because they don't need to be accept Sisu who is actually doing boring things for once!" Raya groaned. Namaari sighed, she loved Raya but Raya got very moody and upset when she had to go to things like this.

"Raya we have to be here because we're princesses, sorry." Namaari shrugged. "Also we get dinner, so that's good right?" Raya sighed in response. "Hey Dewdrop! Hi Namaari!" Chief Benja walked over to the couple. "I need to you come speak to someone." Raya sighed, gave Namaari a quick peck on the cheek and followed her dad. 

After Raya talked to people with her dad and Namaari talked to people with her mum, the two eventually met up at the table for dinner. "Hey dep la, where'd you get to?" Namaari said once Raya sat down. "Oh you know, just walking and talking to boring people, what about you?" 
"Oh you know talking to people, missing you." Namaari gave Raya a kiss on the cheek. 
"Aw." Raya said, blushing a little. 

They had some really good food (the only thing I know about southeast Asia is what my half Tai cousins tell me, which isn't much I'm sorry) and there was lots of laughter and happiness going around the table. The vibes were a bit less diplomatic and a lot more relaxed and calm now. The couple flirted and joked around with each other and talked to the people sitting near them. Sadly Sisu was up at the other end of the table with Chief Benja and Chief Virana so they didn't see her much.

Towards the end Virana stood up to make a toast. "To all the people who have joined us for this dinner, thank you for being here for this meal!" Everyone did whatever you do at a toast and soon the dinner came to a close. 

Namaari and Raya helped their parents say goodbye to people. "It's getting late Dewdrop so I'm going to stay in a guest room, I'm assuming you'll stay with Namaari?" Chief Benja said as they all walked back to the palace (castle? idk wherever Namaari lives). Raya blushed "uh yeah probably." She said. Namaari put her arm around Raya,
"Come on." 

Raya was super tired and as they walked through the palace to Namaari's room. "I'm tired," she wined, "Carry meeeee." Namaari laughed and picked Raya up bridal style and ran down the hallway. "Like this dep la?" Namaari said. 
"Too fast!" Raya laughed. They got a lot of stares from the poor castle staff.

When they got to Namaari's room she chucked Raya onto the bed. "I'm just gonna sleep now!" Raya declared. "In your formal wear?" Namaari chuckled. Raya groaned,
"Ugh stupid formal wear." 

Namaari chucked some sleepwear at Raya and put hers on. "Come on Raya, you wanna go to bed right? It'll be way nicer if you're comfy." Raya groaned again but she got changed and got into bed. Raya cuddled up to Namaari. "Ugh remind me to get out of those next time." Raya muttered. Namaari laughed,
"Sure dep la." 
"Goodnight, love you."
"Love you too."

I had no idea how to end that but there ya go. This actually took a fairly long time, its been in my drafts for ages cause I had no clue what to do with it. Anyway stay safe bye-bye!

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