An Odd Invitation, An Odd Response

Start from the beginning

He closed his phone and threw it to the side, contemplating deleting the text and starting over, even if he knew that the text would still show on Kirishima's end.

It was getting way too hot in his room, so he decided to go outside in his snow jacket and scarf. It was windy and thick white outside. The sky was grey and the sun was hardly visible through the clouds. The ground was completely white, and he thought of a form of mental torture where the victim is stuck in a white room and they go insane. Imagine being that weak.

He balled some snow in his gloves and patted it together, compacting it into a hard sphere. Then, he quickly and strongly threw it at his fence, forgetting his own strength because there was a hole in the plank of wood now. Fun. Mitsuki would definitely come at him for that.

A snowman with no eyes (which he bullied for being blind and deaf) and a shower later, he was back in his room, lying flat on his back. Mitsuki had in fact yelled at him for ruining the one plank. "Katsuki you brat! Not even a week and you're already back into your bad habits! I oughta send you right back to UA and let them decide how to punish you!" That brought back memories.

It was weird, because it had only been the better part of a year and everything felt so far away. Playing heroes with Deku, growing up to resent the boy. Then there was when he was kidnapped. Because some villains saw him rightfully tied up so he wouldn't attack a classmate who was so tired and mentally withdrawn. He hadn't seen it then, he didn't know. If he could have gone back in time he would've been a better person. Calmer and (no he doesn't want to change for anyone, just wants to return the respect given to him) more rational. He could have thought harder and maybe acknowledged more about what happened around him. Processed that, hey, he's not the only one who matters.

His phone vibrated and he ignored it for a few minutes before grabbing it and opening his and Kirishima's texts.

Shitty hair: When is it?

Bakugo: Tomorrow at nine in the morning.

Shitty Hair: Aww man, I was kind of getting hyped for it. Sero and his old middle school friends invited me out to go skii. Sorry, maybe another time? Iida and Yaomomo are planning a class get together soon

Bakugo: I don't give a shit. I was just asking because you're slightly more tolerable than everyone else. Enjoy falling off a mountain, hair for brains

Shitty Hair: Awww don't be like that. I'm just a family favorite among our class. But Sero was the first to ask me so I gotta be loyal

Bakugo: Yea whatever. I'll probably skip out on Deku anyway.

Shitty Hair: rn't you guyz old friends? This would be super great to make up for whatever falling out you had. Invite Kaminari if ur that worried tho

Bakugo: I'm not spending my Christmas break with that idiot. Goodbye

Shitty Hair: he'd be super excited and...

Bakugo shut off his phone and rolled his eyes. Of course, Kirishima couldn't go. What a waste of Deku's tickets. He should probably fucking give them back. But there's no way he'd go to Inko's house in the middle of the beginnings of a snowstorm. Especially just to return some useless pieces of paper to an old follower.

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