"So did we get lucky?" JJ asked.

"No. I mean yes, but, no." Penelope said, as the three other women exchanged a look. "Uh, there's been a new drop of photos. I just sent to your tablets now. They include a series of captivity and postmortem photos of our second victim."

"We were too late." Lily sighed as she looked at the pictures Penelope had sent her with a frown.

"And it's even worse than that." Penelope said. "There's a whole new series of photos of a third victim we didn't even know about, plus one new candid photo."

"He's already got his fourth victim." Emily said. "Did you find the IP address?"

"No. I'm sorry."

"Ok." JJ said. "Any good news?"

"No. I mean... OK, this might be helpful." Penelope said. "I did a search of cases involving D.C. high-end hotels, and I found a bunch of articles regarding the death of someone named Tracy Ferguson."

"Wait, I think I remember that." Emily said, as Penelope nodded.

"Uhum. You probably do. She was in a bunch of headlines, mostly because her father was George Ferguson, the D.C. power broker." She said. "Anyway, she was 27. She was found in a suite at the Montclair hotel, and she was wearing a white satin negligee."

"Like the one the unsub dresses his victims for the captivity photos." JJ said.


"Ok, so Tracy Ferguson could be our unsub's first victim." Lily said. "Did they investigate?"

"They did." Penelope nodded.

"Good." Emily smiled. "We need those files."

"That's where it gets sticky." Penelope said, as Lily raised a surprised eyebrow. "The case was sealed at the time. In order to unseal it, you need special permission from the lead investigating agent. The D.C. field agent in 2010 who was in charge of that case was Linda Barnes."


After failing to get the information they needed from Barnes, the team had had to try another approach and, in the end, they did find what hotel the death of Tracy Fergunson had taken place and, of course, the unsub would have taken his latest victim - who just so happened to be the daughter of a Senator - to the same place.

As Matt, Emily and JJ walked into the hotel, Lily managed to grab a hold of the Senator and call him over so he could see his daughter. When he arrived, however, the ambulance was already taking the girl away.

"Is she alive?" He asked Lily as the rest of the team walked over to the two of them. "Is she gonna be all right?"

"Senator, she's going to be fine." Lily assured, ignoring the way Barnes sent her a look, after having been notified of the commotion happening with the BAU and coming over to the hotel as well, to see, not only all of them working a case she had not approved of, but, also, seeing Lily working at all.

"Her abductor gave her an overdose, but she should be all right." Matt assured.

"You said this was the work of the BAU." The Senator said, as he looked over at Barnes. She was clearly hoping they would fail so she could dismantle the unit for good. "Is that right?"

"Yes, sir." She nodded curtly.

"Thank you." The Senator smiled at the team. "All of you. You saved my daughter's life."

"It was a team effort." Emily said.

"Glad we were here." JJ nodded.

"So am I." The Senator nodded. "Look, I know there's been talk about shutting down your unit, spreading profilers out into the field offices."

"That's just one option to increase efficiency." Barnes tried to justify.

"I think that's a mistake." The Senator said and Lily had to bite her lip so she would laugh at Barnes' face.

"Understood." She said, spitting the word as if it was venomous somehow.

"When I return to the senate, I will personally ensure that the BAU is funded and staffed to full capacity." The Senator decided. "But in the meantime, don't you think Agent Prentiss should be reinstated as unit chief?"

"Consider it done."

"Senator, does this mean that I have hiring authority?" Emily asked and, just the sound of those words had Lily's eyes widening as she turned to look at Emily.

"Within reason." The Senator nodded.

"I'm only asking because Assistant director Barnes terminated Agent Scottley the month before when she asked questions about her orders, in spite of following them anyway." Emily said as Barnes grimaced and Lily turned to her with a small smile. "And it was only thanks to her and her contacts that we managed to grab a hold of you."

The Senator hesitated for a second, but when his eyes fell on the woman who directed him to the place his missing daughter would be and who calmed him down when he saw her being wheeled into an ambulance in a rush, he decided it would be only fair.

"You have full authority." He said, as Lily let out a breath of relief. "Staff the BAU any way you see fit."

"Thank you, sir." Emily said, discreetly patting Lily on her shoulder.

"Linda." The Senator said, as Barnes groaned, annoyed. "I'd like to see you in my office first thing tomorrow."


"I couldn't wait until morning!" Penelope said excitedly as she walked into the bullpen where everyone was reunited, getting relocated into their old desks and offices.

"Oh, you weren't the only one." Lily smirked, her own box of stuff in hands, all too ready to set up her office again.

"You look great." Spencer smiled at Penelope as the woman squealed.

"I feel great." She gushed. "You guys really did it."

"Oh, I wish I could have been there to see Barnes' face when the senator showed up." Tara said, as Lily smiled.

"I thought she was gonna melt like the wicked witch of the west when he said Prentiss could hire whoever she wanted." Matt said.

"You think she'll back off for good?" Luke asked.

"The director called me." Emily said, from the railing in front of hers and Rossi's offices. "He said Barnes was told to keep her hands off the BAU."

"And so, we live to fight another day." Rossi smiled as the team all cheered and laughed. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're back!"

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