Chapter 2

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Wilbur POV:

I was in shock with what I was looking at, I dropped my sword and ran out towards Redza. His arm was busted up, he wasn't awake, there was an arrow going right through his shoulder, and they're appeared to be a wound on his head.

I was just questioning why Nightmare would leave him....Nightmare wouldn't have left him on was intentional for him to leave him here. Was he hopping one of us wound finish him off? Whatever is was didn't matter, I...I had to help him. I couldn't leave him like this, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Redza? Redza can you hear me?"

I tapped his head as gently as I possibly could but could still possibly wake him up, I tried multiple times but he was out cold. I had to bring him back, there was no way I would have to right things to help him here and leave him. I got back to my feet and scooped him off the floor, the fact that I was able to carry him was amazing.

"Alright got this. Just keep him hidden In your house and once he is good to go send him right back to where he came from"

I started to make my way back to my house, it was already late so I was hopping everyone would be asleep right now. I had no clue what I was doing, taking Redza in could lead to my death if this is all just one of Oris's tricks...but I couldn't leave him either...

~Time skip~

Redza POV:

I jolted awake in a panic, where the hell was I? I was just in the meeting room, Oris was planning to attack...I looked around, I was in someone's house by the looks of it. There were many books around, a lot looked to be in the works of being finished. I slowly sat myself up looking for any clue to who's house I was in.

I noticed that the arrow was no longer there, and there appeared to be fresh bandages on my wounds. I still couldn't move my arm, it felt numb now. I carefully got myself out of the bed, it looked to be a spare bed, the main one for whoever lived here was in front of me. My legs still felt numb, but I could at least walk. I was using the wall to guild myself, it looked as though this was a one story house, I could see the ground outside the window was pretty close.

I walked over to the first door I saw, there was talking on the other side. I went to open the door, but to my surprise it was locked, and it appeared the lock was on the outside and not the inside. Why it was like this...I had no clue. I think the person who was on the other side heard me, I heard footsteps coming to the door.


My sword had been laid against the wall, I got over there as quickly as I possibly could picking the sword up. I stayed where I was to keep as much distance as I felt necessary from the door. The lock on the door clicked, I raised the sword up. The door opened slowly, a male figure walked into the room, he had curly brown hair, he wore a brown coat over a white shirt, a potion holder was draped around his body. He has dark grey wings like I did his just weren't all bruned up like mine. He turned to me as I raised the sword to point in his direction.

"Ah! You're finally awake...I got worried there, you were out for a few you mind lowering the sword please?"

I lowered the sword only a bit, his voice was calming to me. He looked similar to I am assuming he is his OG.

"Who the hell are you, and where am I?"

He placed a book on the table slowly approaching me, once close enough he used his finger to slowly push the sword down.

"Please, can you sit back down. I will answer your questions but I rather not have you threatening me with a sword while I do so."

I was hesitant, but I leaned the sword back against the wall, sitting back down on the bed. He sat beside me.

"To answer your questions, my name is WilburSoot, but please just call me Wil or Wilbur. And you are currently in my house located on the outskirts of L'manburg."


The name sounded familiar, I assume it's there main country, it's name is similar to ours...

"Yep, also, how is your arm feeling?"

I looked at him for a second, there were a lot more questions my mind wanted to make me spit out but I refused to.

"It's I can't really tell you how it 'feels'.."

He gave me a nod, shouting suddenly arose from the room he came from. He let out a sigh, he got up from the bed looking at me.

"Look...I was going to try and hide you and send you back to where you came from when you were fully healed...but Dream already please come with me."

I slowly stood up following him over to the door, I could already assume Dream was Nightmare's OG. And knowing Nightmare...Dream is probably much worse then him. Nightmare is aggressive yes, but he is most likely a lot kinder then Dream..

Wilbur went to open the door, but after getting a quick peek outside he immediately slammed it shut. He pashee a nearby dresser in front of it.

"Get to the back of the room..."

I was confused but I did what he told me too, he backed to the wall on the other side of the bed. There was the sound of glass shattering and what sounded to be tnt lighting. He hoped over the bed quickly shielding both me and him as the tnt went off...



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