Chapter 1

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Redza POV:

I was just running around aimlessly at this point, I could barely see, my vision was so blurry. I was clenching my right arm, the blood slowly trickling down it, I could see it coming through mt fingers. I don't know what happened, Oris and Nightmare just started chasing me.

I turned around, Nightmare was still there chasing me. I continued to run forward but, I was brought to a halt by a wave of pain over my body. I could see the tip of the arrow that had pierced my shoulder. I fell into the grass trying to crawl my way to safety. Someone grabbed my side flipping me over, I felt the cold metal getting pushed against my neck.

"You really thought you could get away...and now your here. We just wanted you to answer a simple question..."

I felt him grab my only working arm, he was pinning my legs down. I tried to squirm free of his grip, but that only caused him to push the sword harder onto my neck. I felt a warm liquid slowly starting to flow down it.

He chuckled as he watched me attempt to free myself. He let go of my arm, backing off from me. I tired to get up but my body wouldn't move to my command.

"Have fun bleeding out...Redza."

He disappeared in front of me, leaving me there motionless. My eyes slowly closed themselves, causing me to fall into a black void...

~Moments before~

Wilbur POV:

Nightmare joined the game
Redza joined the game

We saw the two join the server, we were told that we had at least a month to prepare for them, but they were here now which was worrying. I grabbed my armor and weapons and started to make my way to them. I had a general direction of where they were, the lightning strike helped me.

I went alone not wanting anyone to follow. Did I want to even try to take them I knew it would be a death wish to do that, I just wanted to make sure they were just stopping by to do their normal checks like they'd always do.

I made my way through the tall trees of the spruce forest, the shrubbery was making it a bit hard to see but I think I'll know them when I see them. I just had to get back before nightfall, if I wasn't back by then people would probably start getting worried. I mad sure to bring medical supplies with me and some extra food and water just in case I need to camp out here for a while.

~Time Skip~

I don't remember how long I've been out here...2 hours most likely...I haven't came across them yet but I won't stop until I do...or I see they left...

Nightmare left the game

"Well isn't that lucky."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing I wouldn't have to stay out here any longer then I did, it took me a second, but I realized that Redza didn't leave. I looked around for a bit letting out a sigh. I continued to tread forward through the shrubbery...I came upon a clearing pretty quickly, but....I just about dropped my sword becase of what I saw...

"What the hell happened here...?"



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