"Look at you Dream! You're stunning! The dress you chose looks great too! Who wouldn't want to marry you? Even without all this fancy clothing you're still you! Nothing changes between you and Fundy after you put this dress on or after you get the rings and get married. Plus! Have you not seen Fundy and how he treats you? You're his pride and joy, Dream! He asked me, Bad, Skeppy, and even Sapnap if he could marry you! He really wants this Dream... That man is practically head over heels for you in every way possible... Why would he ask to marry you in the first place if he didn't like you for who you are?" George asked and Dream smiled a bit at the brunette's words. His friends always knew how to make him feel better. He knew they were right too. George and Sapnap would never lie to him, especially when it came to something like this.

"Yeah! Quackity and Karl said when they were hanging out with Fundy and everyone else to celebrate your marriage, you were the only thing he seemed to be able to talk about! Dream you're on this man's mind twenty four seven... He fucking loves you! Heck! He adores you Dream! I've seen the looks he gives to you! They're exactly the same looks that Quackity gives to Karl- Or the looks that Bad gives to Skeppy whenever they're together! His ears even pop up and his tail starts wagging like crazy whenever he spots you. Dream, Fundy is in love with you and I don't think he knows how to stop loving you," Sapnap explained and Dream slowly nodded, his chest feeling a bit light as he listened to his friends. Sapnap and George knew the exact way to get through to Dream and push back all of those insecurities.

"Dream... Take it from me- Marriage? It's hard! But that's what a relationship is all about! I mean- I'm married to Quackity and Karl for goodness sake! There's going to be some issues... And that's ok! You figure things out together! You're partners! It comes with the relationship! I promise you Dream... You and Fundy's love? It's going to last for a long long time... Maybe even forever... Probably forever if I'm being completely honest," Sapnap finished and they both wrapped their arms around their friend, Dream hugging them back tightly. Tears were streaming from their eyes as they happily cried there in the dressing room. They were lucky Dream hadn't put on any makeup yet. It wasn't until there was a small knock on the door, the three gently pulling away as they laughed a bit. The door slowly creaked open to reveal Bad and Puffy standing there, both having some materials in their hands. Dream smiled and stepped forward, ready to take the next step that got him closer and closer to the man he loved.

"Alright! Let's get you ready for your big day, Dream!"


"I don't think I can do this-"

"Of course you can dude! You're the one who proposed to him in the first place! You were the one who planned the date and everything! Marrying him is the same as asking him out like you did! Granted you did ask him a million times before he said yes- But still! It seems impossible but in the end you're both as happy as you can be! So there's nothing you need to worry about! The Worst case scenario is that you'll have to ask him again and again," Quackity explained as he fixed the hybrid's tie, Fundy struggling to tie it by himself. Karl, Eret, and Quackity were supposed to help keep Fundy calm and collected until the wedding. But Fundy couldn't seem to calm down at all no matter what the three tried, Quackity's words making him a little more anxious as he thought about that possibility.

"This is coming from someone who's married two people! Come on Fundy- You and Dream were happy together even before you proposed. Nothing's going to change because of a simple ring! I mean do you see how Sap, Karl, and I treat each other! Nothing really changed just because we got married and stuff," Quackity explained as he stepped back, Fundy taking a deep breath. That made him feel a little better... Key word being "little" as Fundy still felt uneasy. His mind was still wandering to the worst case scenario once and awhile. The hybrid shook his head, trying to clear his head. But the only thing that did was mess up the hat on his head.

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