A few too many drinks.

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Carol had invited her two alcoholic friends out for drinks at a nearby by bar, she didn't care much for alcohol but it was the only way to get two to open up, she enjoyed when they opened up, due to the fact they hardly did.

The Russian was seated at the booth with Carol when Janet arrived, she felt her heart drop with she saw her, her throat caved in as she swallowed down her feelings, she took a deep breath and walked over and sat beside the Russian.

Katrina rolled her eyes when the blue eyed blonde took a seat beside her, she tapped her nails on the counter, biting her tongue as she felt her blood begin to boil, her Southern friend immediately noticed things were yin and yang between the two.

"How are ya'll?" Carol spoke with concern in her voice, Janet just shrugged and the Russian spoke bluntly, "Fine." Her accent making her sound more upset than she actually is, Carol smiled slightly nodding before heading to the lady's room.

The two blondes stayed quiet, just taking shots to drown away their feelings, the Russian was the first to speak, "Hows Riley...?" Janet laughed softly, "Acting like the crazy spawn of satan, like usual...how are the twins?" The Russian shrugged, Janet sighed, "Are you going to stay angry at me the whole night...?" Katrina hissed, "Don't see why I wouldn't..." she slurred. "Listen...I get you're angry but I dont want you to hold this grudge forever...what can I do to fix this..." The Russian shrugged, getting up heading towards a empty table, leaving leaving the blue eyed blonde alone.

Janet sighed downing a few more shots before following her friend, sitting down beside her, "Katrina...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to play with your feelings..." Katrina turned her glance toward her, smiling slightly, Janet barely apologized, infact she hated it, she always explained if you do something you shouldn't regret it, but here she was, apologizing. Katrina sighed, nodding to accept her apology, Janet smiled walking back toward the booth with the Russian behind her.

The two said back down, downing multiple shots before Carol came back, Janet and Katrina were just laughing their asses off, leaving Carol to be confused. Carol was happy they were no longer upset with each other.

Around an hour passed by, and Carol had left, leaving the two blondes by themselves. The bar was almost empty both the blondes were way to drunk to drive home, Katrina's house wasn't far so they decided to walk to her house.

As they walked, Katrina confessed something, something Janet was unable to understand, "Я тебя люблю... " Janet rose a brow at the Russian, she seemed nervous, hiding the blush on her face as she rubbed her arm nervously. Janet stopped in her tracks and grabbed the Russians arm, seeing tears lined in her eyes when she turned her head toward her, Janet's heart immediately dropped, her alcohol infused brain unable to understand what was happening. She just stepped forward wrapping her arms around Katrina's neck, pulling her into a hug.

Things quickly took a turn when Katrina slightly pulled away pulling Janet into a suddle kiss, Janet quickly embraced the kiss enjoying Katrina's soft lips. This kiss was tender and full of passion, neither of them cared about the fact they were drunk, the Russian broke the kiss slowly staring at the smaller woman, they both laughed softly, rest their foreheads against each other.

•Я тебя люблю-[I love you.]

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