Part 39 - Control... or Lack Thereof

Start from the beginning

"...When you're finished, I need you, Eggman, and Infinite in the basement vault. The machine needs maintenance. Bring a couple of guards with you."

"What are we going to do about the traitor, though, sir?" Claire asked.

"He'll turn up eventually, and we'll deal with him then. The city's on lockdown, in case anyone's forgotten." Juke shot Infinite a contemplative stare before turning to Dr. Snow.

"The vest is finished, sir." The scientist said, fiddling with the measuring tape and rolling it up. "After the... machine's repaired, we can sync the ruby to Infinite."

Juke opened his mouth to respond, when there was a loud, metallic clang in the corner of the room, silencing everyone. The entire building trembled with the impact, then remained still.

"...What the hell was that?" Juke asked. When nobody knew how to respond, he directed his gaze upon a few unidentified ninja guards. "You three! Go check the city's water drainage system. We could have more intruders."


The floor then abruptly exploded outwards, sending shards of tile and unsecured science equipment flying through the air. Scientists screamed and panicked while the guards rushed to pull them to safety through the raining debris. In the newly formed hole, a raging group of Zeti stormed inwards, slashing and punching anything within even a few feet of them. Infinite pressed his back against the wall, watching the chaotic scene ensue before him in bewilderment.

Wilkes blinked in shock at what he was seeing through Espio's spyglasses. He then quickly switched his intercom.

"Shadow...!" The Head of Guard's voice thickened with panicked anger.

"We're working on it!" Shadow yelled back, his voice equally thick with agitation.

"...Never mind the Zeti, Shadow! Find your way to the basement vaults! Now could be our best chance to disable the MIND chips!"

Juke crouched beside one of the scientist's undisturbed desks, analyzing the scene. He looked up as Eggman appeared beside him.

"You know, I could probably sync you to the ruby." The doctor said through all the sounds of confusion and raging battle.

Juke looked from him back to the battle. He saw Infinite, standing alone, watching the battle in grim fascination. He saw his plans go down the drain that the Zeti had sprung up from. The lynx stood up.

"Alright, if you say so, doctor. Let's go." The two disappeared through yet another hidden passageway, Dr. Snow noticing only seconds before their departure and attempting to follow.

Infinite noticed him immediately, as the monkey was only a few feet away from him, and he roughly grabbed the doctor by the elbow.

"Oh, no," he said to the disgruntled monkey, "you're not going anywhere."

As he began to drag Snow to the elevator, the monkey panicked and tried to jerk free.

"Ah, no! No, no, no!" He paused to unscramble his thoughts, then shouted, "You're too weak!"

Infinite stopped instantly as though struck across the face. He turned slowly to look more closely at Dr. Snow, his eyes positively blazing.

"What did you say...?" His voice was hushed, but it cut through all the background noise like a razor blade.

Snow realized his mistake and gulped. "Guards! Get him off me!"

Infinite violently shoved him into a wall and then faced his oncoming opponents. Only one of the guards had heard his cry, but she drew the attention of another, and the two took on the jackal. He grabbed a nearby metal cart that had been knocked over and flung it at them single-handedly, the unbelievable amount of rage building up inside of him giving him an adrenaline rush. The heavy cart hit them, hard, and only one ninja could get back up after hitting the ground. The other laid there groaning, perhaps dramatizing their injuries so they wouldn't have to fight anymore. The guard that got back up was Scarlet, and she faced Infinite somewhat uncertainly with her fists.

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