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To my utter relief, the class was normal. no funny business going on and no side glances from anyone. I hoped that Nate wouldn't rat me out to everyone.

How wrong I was! I was met by what seemed like thousands of cold stares when I stepped into the packed hallway. "Damn you Nate!" I silently cursed my brother as I hastily made my way to the bathroom. I couldn't deal with this. I let out a long sigh of relief as I pushed the door closed behind me.

"Is it really true?" a voice behind me said. "JESUS DIANA! You scared the living daylights out of me!" Diana had been my best friend since the third grade. I was glad to find her in the stalls. I without hesitating, I walked over to her and gave her a big bear hug. I was confused and somewhat hurt when she didn't hug me back.

"What's wrong Dee?" I asked as I backed away, genuinely concerned. "Is it really true? What they're saying out there?" I looked at her with an expression of betrayal. "You've known me for the longest time Dee, you really think I would do this?" For a reply, I got silence. This very silence clawed at my heart and tore it in half.

The air suddenly felt thick and dizziness overcame me. It felt like all the walls were closing in on me. I took to my heels and headed outside, sparing no one a glance. Outside, I saw Nate casually chatting with his friends. "There she is everyone! The star of the show!" he yelled upon seeing me. The blinding fury that was bubbling inside of me prompted me to walk up to him and give him a piece of my mind. I did just that.

With my fists balled up, I stormed over to him, spun him around by his shoulder and smacked him HARD across the face and spat, "YOU SMELLY SON OF A B*TCH! What rotten carcass would say such things about their own siblings? You have no solid proof of me doing what you claim I did! But that doesn't phase you one bit, does it?" Only then did I notice the increasingly large crowd of curious onlookers gathering around the both of us.

Before I could stop the words, they tumbled out of my mouth. "And what in the world are you gullible turds staring at? Don't you have other things to do besides gossiping? GO!" With that, the crowd began to disperse and shortly after, the school bell rang. I spun around and walked to my next class, leaving Nate dumbfounded.

"Woah! That felt awesome!" I thought and smiled to myself as I made my way to physics class. Not long after the class began however, the inevitable happened "Ashley Miller, your presence is requested in the principal's office immediately." My eyes went wide and my blood froze still in my veins. I mentally kicked myself for not predicting this. By the time I processed this, all eyes were on me. "Dammit!" I muttered under my breath and rose from my seat.

As I walked through the empty hallway, all the possible worst case scenarios played non-stop. At some point I even contemplated taking to my heels ad running for dear life. despite taking the longest possible route, I still ended up face to face with the dark oak door with the sign 'principal's office'. With fingers crossed behind my back, I let myself into the office.

"Please, have a seat Miss Miller." the principal said emotionlessly. "I'm certain you're aware of the reason you are here. Word has spread that you acted violently upon a student who was in fact your brother. Such manner of behaviour is in no way acceptable in this premises. As a result of your outrageous behaviour, you shall receive two hours of detention immediately the school hours are over. I shall also notify your parent of the matter. Good day Miss Miller."

It was then that I realised the gravity of the situation and it overwhelmed me. I tried to get up and leave but my knees felt too weak to support my weight. I couldn't get up. Spots began to fill my vision and darkness began to creep in as well. Slowly but surely, I slipped out of consciousness.

The first thing I saw through my blurred vision when I opened my eyes was dad's weary face looming over me. "Where am I?" was all I managed to spill out. "The principal called me to come fetch you because you blacked out." he answered gently whilst stroking my curly hair. Memories of this morning flooded my mind and I knew that a difficult conversation awaited me in this very room.

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