Unfortunately, Jade was unaware that Cat had just come out the bathroom and was close enough to hear what Jade was saying about her. It broke her fragile heart.
"So this is how Jade feels." Cat thought to herself as a few tears fell down her eyes. Cat quickly left the set, silently and undetected as Robbie and Jade continued to talk, unaware of the redheads departure.

"Why do you care?" Jade asked.

"Well I'm gonna ask her out soon and I wanted to make sure you two weren't dating." Robbie explained.

Jade felt a knot form in her stomach. "Oh." Was all she was able to get out.

"So that's what he wants." Jade thought. Robbie was going to ask Cat out. She shouldn't be surprised, the two have always seemed like they might become something so it was only inevitable. But still it put Jade in an impossible situation. She liked Cat. But she wasn't ready to face that, definitely not ready to tell her, but she couldn't stop Robbie from asking her out. And if Cat said yes... that could be it.
Jade was about to miss her chance with Cat.

And there was nothing she could do.

"So it's all cool if I ask her out?" Robbie asked.

Jade responded with an agreement noise, trying to hold back her pain.
"Phew." Robbie said. "I wouldn't want things to be awkward cause you two were dating and I didn't know it."

"Dont worry then." Jade croaked out. "Cause we certainly aren't dating."

"Aaaaand cut!" V yelled from below and Jade and Robbie looked over to see that Andre and Tori had finished the song.

"How was that?" Tori asked.

"Absolutely brilliant." V said and Tori smiled happily.

"You did great Tori." Beck said to the girl.

"Aww." Tori said as she blushed and brushed some hair behind her ear. Jade rolled her eyes and walked over to them.

"That wasn't totally horrible." Jade said and Tori stuck her tongue out at her.

"Okay so what's next on the agenda?" V asked B.

"You said we should do Cat and Jade next to give Tori and Andre a break." B said.

"Yes that's right." V said. "Okay Miss Valentine, Miss West get up in-front if the cameras."

The group looked around. "Uh where is Cat?" Beck asked.

"She said she went to the bathroom." Robbie said.

Tori went over to the toilet as Jade tried calling her. After two rings it went off. Cat had declined the call.
Tori came back. "She's not in there."

"Well where could she have gone?" Andre asked.

"Maybe she left." Beck said.

"But why?" Jade asked, slightly panicked.
"Did she hear what I said about her?" Jade thought to herself.

"Well okay then how about we film a song with Just Miss West singing and Mr Harris doing instrumentals?" V suggested. "You guys can look for Miss Valentine." v said pointing to Robbie, Beck and Tori "and Jade can film that 'you don't know me' song you did."

"Sounds like a plan." Robbie said.

"I could help look!" Jade protested.

"No we don't have the funds to rent this place when we're not using it." B said. "So we need to use it in the times we've hired it for."

"It'll be okay Jade." Beck said as he placed a caring hand on his exes shoulder to try and calm her. "We'll find her."

Jade nodded as she got infront of the camera and the others left the studio to look for Cat.
"You better be alright Cat." Jade thought.
"Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if you're not."

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