ch20 mama

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izuku did rush out the his agency. he did use his quirk to get there. but he didn't get there in time. 

when he arrived the villain was defeated, but his friends and ex-girlfriend was bruised badly. 

right now, he's in hospital. sitting on the chair next to y/n. her breathing is fine, her wings...not so much. 

"damn," izuku says, rubbing a hand over his face. he looks down. "i couldn't do anything,"

"daddy!" izuku looks up, aimilios jumping into his arms. "don't cry daddy. i know mama's hurt. but mama's strong. she's the strongest in the world,"

"what are you doing here, milios?" izuku asks. "you're meant to be at the agency-"

"izuku!" inko says, barging into the room with toshinori behind her. "you're okay! i saw the news, me and toshi drove as quickly as we could-" her eyes meet y/n who's breathing slowly on the hospital bed, making her tear up. "oh my gosh...hey, aimilios?" aimilios looks up to inko, tears wanting to fall from his eyes. "you want to go find a gift for your mum?" aimilios nods as inko takes his hands. 

the door closes behind them, giving toshinori a chance to sit next to izuku. 

"this is all my-"

"do you remember when shigiraki come that one time to the mall when you were around sixteen? and you and y/n tried your hardest to stay calm? and you both did. and you went to the police station and spoke to them?" izuku nods. "and they let you leave and i came and you asked me 'do you also have times when you can't save everyone?'. these are one of those times. y/n is one of the strongest people we know. she'll survive,"

"thanks allmight," izuku says.

"you know," y/n starts, her throat sore. "it almost sounds like you care," toshinori and izuku rush towards her. "no hugs. first, because it hurts like shit and second because i don't like them. from you too,"

"you're okay! are you okay? do you need something-"

"yeah. i want food. i didn't eat before i fought that big ass villain," y/n yawns, making izuku and toshinori sweat drop. "so no food? oh! and i want to see my son, please. makes sure he eats too,"

"y/n? your wings?" izuku asks, helping her sit up on the hospital bed.

"i said no touching," she scolds, hitting his arms. he chuckles. "they got ripped out," y/n says, stretching. "they'll grow back,"


🍓baby mamaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें