Chapter 1

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"Kendall, let me go!" Andy exclaimed, fighting against the arms wrapped around her waist.

"No!" Kendall said, re-adjusting his grip on her to ensure she wouldn't escape. "He ate the last powdered sugar donut. He knew it was mine!" Andy argued as she pointed at James, who currently stood across the kitchen, infront of the bathroom door, smiling guiltfully. Both Kendall and Andy stood at the other end of the kitchen, struggling against each other. 

"And it was delicious," James bragged, "but I have to go now. Bye!" James ran straight past the pair of best friends, going through their apartment door and running down the hall before Andy could get to him.

"Hey, I'll get you another one." Kendall said, loosening his grip on Andy's waist, letting her go completely. Andy turned around to face him, "It's fine," she laughed, "It was my fault anyway, I should know better than to leave my food around, especially with you raccoons." she said, playfully pushing Kendall's shoulder.

Andy Moore could easily be considered one with Big Time Rush. From the moment she stepped into her 2nd grade class and saw the four young boys fighting over colored markers, she knew the thrill and adventures they'd bring. Now 12 years later, they were in Los Angeles. While the boy's were trying to make it in the music industry as a boyband, Andy earned herself an internship at Rocque Records, where she was able to shadow Gustavo Rocque and Kelly Wainwright. Although the journey from Minnesota to California had not been the easiest, mainly due to Kendall's stubborn attitude and the rest of the boy's lack of attention span, they were all able to come together to find a place called home and record their demos. 

Thanks to Andy's Mother's laidback nurture, she saw nothing but opportunity in Andy moving to LA with the hockey heads. She knew her daughter was independent and if anything were to go wrong, she could rely on Jennifer Knight to put everyone in their place.

Andy herself was a smart, determined girl who stood her ground. She prided herself in being a leader and speaking her mind, which may be the reason why she grew closer to a blonde headed, green eyed boy, who shared the same characteristics as her. Kendall was the one person Andy could go to about anything and confide in. Her fondness in Kendall had always been apparent from a young age, but as they got older, her liking towards him only got more emotional and more physical. 

Andy believes a switch went off the moment they entered the Palm Woods. As though the California air made them see clearer and push their feelings together. Neither of them questioned the shift in their friendship, not that there was much to question besides slight flirty glances and increase in physical touch. They simply chose not to acknowledge the change although they both knew something was different. 

"What time do you have to be at the studio today?" Andy asked, making her way to the orange couch, sitting down. 

"Uh," Kendall glanced at the clock on the microwave, "1 o'clock I think."

Andy pulled out her phone, seeing if she missed any texts from Kelly. She looked towards the top of her phone, seeing that it was 12:35.  She knew it would take them at least 15 minutes to get to Rocque Records.

"We should probably gather the rest of the guys. You can't afford to be late to another session. I cant bare to hear Gustavo yell at you again for something that could easily be avoided." She slightly scolded.

Although some of Gustavo's anger could be extreme, she grew fond of the producer and knew he cared more about his "dogs" than he'd ever like to admit. Gustavo was also grateful for Andy's presence as he knew she was reliable and could always be of assistance around the studio. 

"I know." Kendall groaned. He was tired of Gustavo constantly being on his back but knew him and the guy's poor time management skills were partly to blame. 

"Then let's go." Andy said, rising from the couch,  grabbing Kendall's shoulder to turn him around and lightly push him towards the door. 


"But tonight, the city is ours." Kendall finished. 

Gustavo, Kelly, and Andy made their way out of the studio and towards the boys who stood by their microphones. Naturally, Andy made her way between to stand between Kendall and Kelly.

"Gustavo, the song is great." Kendall exclaimed. 

"Of course it's great, I wrote it." Gustavo scoffed back. Andy let out a small giggle, Kendall looking down and playfully rolling his eyes while softly nudging her to stop. 

"But the band isn't great and we're missing a bad boy." Gustavo said.

Andy raised her eyebrows at the statement. Although classic jerks didn't always attract her, dark clothing and chipped nail polish, did. 

"One of you has to be it," Gustavo continued, "And I say it's Kendall."

While Kendall's jaw drops, Andy's eye widened. Looking towards another, they shared a knowing glance,  both wondering the same thing; what was going to happen. 


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, I know it's not long but I was just trying to get the basis down. Let's see how Andy reacts to Kendall looking like a bad boy. 

~ s

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