"Did you really just say that to me?" Madelyn's voice shrieks sharply. I look over at her and she has her crutch raised to hit Gigs. I chuckle to myself at the scene, watching as my teammate is on the floor cowering away from the oldest King.

"Yes...please don't hit me..." he whimpers, shielding his face slightly.

"Ugh," she grunts loudly and hobbles away in annoyance. I snicker at her when she plonks down next to me with a huge scowl. Madelyn then holds her crutch like a gun and shoots Gigs before falling back against the couch with a huff.

"What did he even say?" I ask with a chuckle, watching her with interest.

"Something that he shouldn't have," she grumbles and stares at him with narrowed eyes. Gigs avoids her relentless stare, looking at anywhere but her.

I pat Madelyn's back when it appears she's about to blow a fuse. She sends me a look before finally relaxing and trying to get comfortable. She shuffles around but can't seem to get that way though because she isn't able to prop up her broken leg on anything.

"Here." I grab her legs and set them in my lap to help her out, not even asking for permission but instead following instinct. She readjusts her position and then smiles with gratitude at me.

"Honestly, what would I do without you?" The oldest King sighs in relief but looks at me genuinely. Her gaze makes me go soft.

"You'd probably have singlehandedly injured half the team because they seriously pissed you off," I reply honestly with a smirk knowing I'm right.

"So you're taking the credit for saving your teammates' asses from me?" Madelyn raises an eyebrow cheekily.

"Oh Maddy, you know I am." I smile with smug. She kicks me lightly with her booted foot. "Hey! I can easily throw you off."

"You could never." She smirks but it drops from her expression quickly. "What did I tell you about calling me Maddy?"

"That you accepted it's now your nickname courtesy of me?" She kicks me again more harshly. "Ow! Seriously?!"

I whack Madelyn with a pillow in retaliation and she gapes at me in shock. That might've been a bad idea. She then grasps that same pillow and hits me with it forcefully on the head, not holding back.

We keep smacking each other with the cushions until I grab her into a headlock against my chest. I ensure that she can't get loose.

Madelyn writhes and wriggles in my grasp to get free, swearing to herself. She tries to peel my arms from her neck and grab a crutch but it's isn't working out for the girl. It comes to a point where she gives in and settles against me.

Her head lies against my collarbone and her upper back rests against my chest. I keep my grip around her neck but obviously loose enough that she can breathe comfortably. Madelyn's hands hold onto my forearm but have slacked up as she struggles no more. She has accepted her fate.

My grasp drops from her neck and loosens to rest around her shoulders. Despite knowing she can easily get free, Madelyn doesn't move from the position, if anything she sinks into my touch further and remains there willingly.

A few of the boys notice the two of us and snicker, pointing in our direction. I narrow my eyes at them so they shut up but they don't get the message. More of my teammates look at us, including Winx when the commotion catches his attention.

Madelyn's brother gives me a dark look from across the room. He doesn't approve whatsoever and looks like he wants to carry me to my grave. I decide it's probably best to let his sister free so I live another day.

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now