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Note: For some reason this chapter was never published even though it said it was.  Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Two days would have normally felt like an eternity but anticipation has a funny way with time. The days felt more like hours and before Harry was ready, it was the morning he had been dreading.

Daybreak came in a hazy sunrise, the first rays of dawn chasing away the fog that had settled on the dewy grass overnight. Harry stood at an open window watching as the grounds came to life below him. Birds chirped their morning greetings as they swooped in and out of the trees searching for their breakfast. The giant squid was lazily basking in the dull light, taking full advantage of the momentary quiet before the students awoke. To the far right Hagrid was already hard at work, breaking up a fallen log with an easy swing of his oversized axe. Harry would have given anything to call out to him; to see his bushy smile.

Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey had been his only visitors since his return to the castle. He had thought that once he had rested he would be allowed to see Ron and Hermione; however, Professor Dumbledore had refused. The excuse had been that he still needed more time to heal, but Harry had a feeling that he wasn't being told the whole truth.


The soft voice broke through his brooding and he turned to see Professor Dumbledore standing in the open door frame. He gave a small smile that Harry didn't return, instead he narrowed his eyes and turned back to the window. It was petulant, he knew that much, but he couldn't bring himself to feign happiness. Not today.

Over his shoulder he heard the Headmaster sigh.

"I know this has not been easy for you, Harry," he said and his voice drew near. "If there were some way I could spare you from today I would, but the ministry…"

"Wants answers," Harry finished tartly. He had heard it before, over and over. "I know."

A withered hand came to rest on his shoulder and he fought the urge to shy away. There was a tense feeling in the air as if Dumbledore wanted to ask him something but was unsure of what his reaction would be. It hung between them, thick as the morning fog.

"There is something we must do before our meeting with the Minister this morning, " he said speaking slowly. "It is probably the hardest part of all of this but explanations and reconciliation is the most important step towards unity."

Harry's brows furrowed at this ambiguous statement and he brought a confused stare up to the man standing beside him. An encouraging smile pulled at the wrinkles lining his face but there was something different in his blue eyes. Pity? Pleading?

"Professor Snape…"

Harry's chest clenched around the name and he shook his head immediately, pulling away from the hand on his shoulder. Blood pounded in his ears as his already thin nerves snapped beneath the unspoken request. He paced back a few steps head still shaking.

"No," he said quietly at first before gaining more confidence. "No. I will not…"

"Harry," Dumbledore said calmly. "Professor Snape deserves a chance to…"

"He doesn't deserve a damn thing," Harry spat on the verge of yelling. His voice was shaking but not as much as his clenched fists.

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