Chapter 4: A Trap, Obviously

Start from the beginning


The sun's going down. We better get going.

Campus curfews, of course. No loitering, they say, yet the security guards are eager to give you infractions without listening what you had to say. Luckily, tomorrow is a campus holiday, so they're less strict on the day before.

I head back to the room with an ice pack on my wrist. Knocking on the door is such a struggle right now, but I managed to make an audible knock.

I turn the doorknob and push the door slowly. I start to remember that I was still annoyed at him, only to find out that he was sleeping soundly on the bed.

I guess getting back home now is not much of an option.

He looked so peaceful in his sleep. I approached the bed to get a closer look.

What's happening? Why are my legs moving on their own? AAAHH!

His head lay softly in on the pillow like it was floating on air. His curly hair had gone stiff from sweat but it looked as neat as ever. His eyes were closed yet they seemed so relaxed. His bottom lip had a cut, yet they look like...

And the next thing I know, his eyes were already opened while I was a foot away from his face.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"UMM, NOTHING! Just checking your wounds is all."

He doesn't reply.

Another awkward moment, yet again.

"So... I think we should be heading back now. It's getting kinda late and I don't want to get closed out of the cafeteria."

"I don't think I can walk that far in this condition. My whole body hurts."

True. I don't want to akbay you all the way back. Skin to skin contact is a no-no.

"Okay, but we still have to get out of here. The clinic closes in about an hour."

"Relax. I told the nurse that I'd stay here for the night. Besides, I won't be alone."

This guy is really getting on my nerves.

"I don't buy it. What are you? Some kind of special case?"

"You can say that. Come on. It's just for one night. You can help me leave tomorrow. We'll even order fast food delivery if you want to. My treat."

Can't say no to that. Who would turn down a good offer if it comes for free? No, wait.

"Okay, but what's the catch?"

"There is no catch. You just take care of me like Prof. Emerald told you to do so."

This feels awfully weird. He's getting everything he wants. Who knows what he'll do to me during the night?

"Alright. But on one condition. Behave."

"I'm practically disabled. There's nothing I can do that'll hurt you more than it will hurt me."

"Fine. I'm going to call the restaurant now."

"Getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?"

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm just kidding, sheesh," he laughs.

"What are you getting?"

"I'll have two burger meals. I need something to fill me up tonight."

That sounds disgusting. And FYI, I just asked for your order, not your needs.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it. You can get anything you like."

"Oh, I will."

I'm gonna need a cup of orange juice with my usual chicken meal for this. And to complete it, a side of fries.

I talk to the agent on the phone and give her our orders and she says that it'll take thirty minutes to get here.

Great, now I have to keep him occupied for thirty minutes.

The nurse knocks on the door and comes inside.

"You're gonna be needing this." She hands me a pillow and a blanket.

I turned red and he lets out a giggle.

"Um, thank you?"

"You're welcome."

She exits the room and we're both left inside the room. We're both left in the building, I should say, rather.

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