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Hermione hadn't really spoken to Draco since her special time in the work bathroom. She had felt insanely guilty and dirty. The only thing that stopped her from completely drowning in self-disgust was Ginny.

The red-head was so proud of Hermione, it was scary. She knew about the sexual tension between Draco and Hermione. She's tried many times to give them little pushes, but it never worked. Ginny felt like a proud mother seeing Hermione make even a sliver of progress on her own.

The weeks quickly went by, work being as boring and uneventful as usual. It was the day of Halloween, Hermione's favorite holiday. She loved getting all dressed up, pretending to be something she wasn't. It gave her confidence.

"What are we being this year, 'Mione?" Harry questioned, pushing up the glasses on his nose.

"What do you mean?" replied Hermione, looking through the windows of the ornate stores of Hogsmeade.

"We're doing matching costumes again aren't we?"

Ginny came up behind the two, hands full of sweets. Her freckled face was painted with a childish grin.

"Babe, open your pockets! I snagged all of this candy," she exclaimed.

Harry complied with a playful eye roll. Ginny kissed his cheek and filled his pants with candy, making his cheeks flush red.

"Anyways, what were you two talking about?" Ginny tried to catch up.

"I just asked 'Mione if we were all matching costumes again this year."

Hermione and Ginny glanced at each other, then back at Harry awkwardly.

"Well..." Hermione started.

"Pansy Parkinson invited us to this adult, rich people costume party at her house. You in?" Ginny interrupted.

Harry shrugged and wrapped a protective arm around his girlfriend.

"As long as I get to match costumes with someone," he agreed.

Ginny nodded and dragged the two into a costume shop.

"Harry and I will match but I'm choosing your outfit, Hermione," Ginny stated.

"How come I can't choose my own costume?" Hermione complained.

Ginny smirked and had a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Just trust me. Now come on!"

Harry and Hermione gave each other skeptical glances before stalking behind Ginny. The both of them knew that Ginny was always one to create a scheme. She took after her brothers, Fred and George.

Ginny raked through the racks of costumes. There were zombies, vampires, superheroes, and even animal costumes.

"Hermione, you've heard of Harley Quinn and The Joker haven't you?" Ginny asked.

"Of course I have," Hermione said with a small smile.

Growing up with muggle parents meant she knew of most muggle pop culture. She remembered how her father was obsessed with Batman and The Joker and Harley Quinn. Hermione didn't like the action and drama of it at first, but she warmed up to it.

Opposites Attract || DramioneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ