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Hermione woke up Monday morning with a stomach ache. She had stayed in by herself all weekend while Ginny was with Harry. She watched muggle television, did some work, read a little. She was both anticipating and dreading this day at work.

Hermione groaned and sat up. She looked at the chair by her desk. Hanging on the edge, was a familiar leather jacket. She had to return that to Draco today.

Hermione stood up and trudged her way to the bathroom. She couldn't hear Ginny's usual bustling in the kitchen, so she assumed she hadn't come home at all.

Hermione sighed and followed through her daily morning routine.





After doing those four things, she collected her bag and jacket and apparated out of her apartment. She had noticed that she was running late, so she skipped breakfast.

Tugging on her leather bag, Hermione walked into the the Ministry. She had a feeling she had forgotten something, but was too eager to remember what.

She speed-walked to her area, not acknowledging the other workers around her.

"Good morning, Hermione!" Lydia called from her desk. Hermione beamed shyly and waved.

"Good morning, Lydia. Is Mal- Draco already in there?" Hermione pointed to her cubicle.

Lydia nodded and pressed her lips into an irritated smile.

"Yes he is. Be careful though, it appears he's in one of his moods."

Hermione gulped and stiffly walked to her shared office. She creaked open the door to see Draco sitting quietly at their desk. He had glasses balanced on the tip of his nose. His blue eyes scanned the Daily Prophet. His features were etched with irritation.

Hermione cleared her throat.

"Good morning," she timidly greeted.

Draco looked up from the paper and nodded as Hermione shut the door.

"'Morning, Granger."

Hermione instantly took a stack if papers and set them on the desk next to Draco's cup of coffee. She sat down and started scanning through them. Hermione couldn't help but notice Draco glancing at her from the corner of her eye.

"Do you need something?" Hermione questioned, not taking her eyes away from the paper. Draco raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yes, actually. My jacket."

Hermione's face flushed as she remembered the important thing she had forgotten. It was a simple task, Hermione didn't know how she managed to fuck it up.

"I forgot, I'm sorry," she said.

Draco cocked an eyebrow and looked her up and down.

"Look, you can come to my apartment and get it after work if you'd like," Hermione offered.

Draco smirked slightly and went back to reading the paper.

"Alright," he said. His voice was thick. He sounded tired and irritated. Hermione felt small being around him. Like everything she'd say or even think would get drowned by his tough and intimidating demeanor.

Hermione was overwhelmingly curious about what was so interesting in the paper this morning. Her parents had always told her 'curiosity killed the cat' since she was so intelligent and would usually find herself in trouble to answer a question.

Opposites Attract || DramioneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora