Chapter one

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Today was the day.Tommy and Tubbo were getting another chance to hopefully be adopted. "TOMMY WAKE UP TODAY IS THE DAY!!!" Tubbo shouted excitedly jumping onto Tommy's bed waking him up. "HOLY SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Tommy shot up out of bed. "It's 10:45 we have like 45 minutes until they come don't worry" tommy and Tubbo ran over to their closets to pick an outfit to wear. Tommy wore a white shirt with red sleeves and some light blue jeans. Tubbo picked out his yellow and black striped jumper with his dungarees. "Really Tubbo? You want to meet the new people looking like a bee haha you idiot" "Shut upppp I think they will like it" Tubbo replied giggling. After they got ready,they heard some unfamiliar voices down stairs. "Tubbo I think there here let's go see" Tommy said quietly as they walked down stairs. A blonde haired man greeted us with a warm smile "hi my name is Phil it's nice to finally meet you two!" "Hi Phil! My name is Tubbo and this is my younger brother Tommy" "only by 10 minutes" "haha well hello Tommy and Tubbo these are my kids this is techno they go by they/them pronouns by the way" pointing at a teenager roughly 16 with shoulder length pink hair wearing black trousers with a white long sleeved shirt. "And this is Will he goes by he/him" pointing at the taller boy with short fluffy brown hair covering his circle glasses on his face wearing a yellow jumper and some black ripped jeans. "Hi I'm Will! I like your outfit Tubbo it looks really cool" Will said "told you they would like it Tommy, also thank you! It reminds me of bees I love bees so much" Tubbo replied happily. "That's awesome my favourite animal is sheep there so cute" Will replied. "Hey Tommy what stuff are you into?" Techno asked. "I like to play minecraft" tommy replied. "Really? Me too! We could play together some time" Techno said. They were all getting along when Phil said "hey I was thinking how would you like it if I adopted you?" Phil asked. "Both of us? Or only Tubbo" Tommy asked nervously. "What do you mean only Tubbo? Of course both of you"Phil laughed. "Really?! Tubbo what do you think"
"I would love to go with them" Tubbo said "me too!" "Alright it's settled then! Go and pack your stuff up I'll go and sign the paperwork" Phil said as he walked off. "Let's go and pack" Tommy said. "Hey do you two want help?" Will asked. "Yeah sure follow us up to our room" Tubbo said. The four boys went upstairs to pack. They both filled a suitcase with both of their belongings as they didn't have much. "Alright we're ready" Tommy said. "Is that all you have?" Techno asked "yeah why?" Tubbo replied "it's not much" "well the workers don't like us and they only buy us some clothes on our birthday or Christmas" Tommy said. "Well We're all going to go shopping tomorrow to decorate your room so you can ask dad to get you clothes" Will said. "Really? That's awesome phil seems so cool" Tubbo said. "Yep he's the best" Will said. They all went downstairs to wait in the car for phil. Tommy yawned " I'm so fucking tired what time is it?" Tommy asked. "It's only 1pm haha" techno said. "Ok how long is the car ride to the house?" Tommy asked sleepily "Around two hours" techno replied. Tommy was sat in the middle between techno and Tubbo and Will was waiting with phil inside.
After 10 minutes, techno was texting Will when they felt something on their arm. Tommy had fell asleep on him "how much sleep did he get last night?" He asked Tubbo. "I think an hour. He doesn't get much sleep when we meet new people he gets pretty nervous" Tubbo said. "Oh ok" techno said as they wrapped their arm around Tommy. Phil and Will got in the car and they started there long car journey home.

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