Chapter 19 - Won't ever hurt her

Start from the beginning

Levi watched her aghast. Was she honestly still asleep?

One look at her closed eyes confirmed that she was, indeed, asleep, lost in her blissful dreams, and he had to get up. Her hand was dipping towards forbidden territory...

Once again, she swept her palm down his torso, stopping dangerously close to his hardened length, and Levi broke out in a sweat.

Too close for comfort. All he could do was lie there frozen as she stroked his stomach. He couldn't move. It was like he was stuck to the mattress. He couldn't even move his arms, which were pinned to his sides.

What was this, sleep paralysis? Levi had to bail, ASAP. This was too much.

Her hand lingered above his belt buckle next, and Levi started panting for breath. Every inch of his flesh was covered in sweat now, and it didn't help that he was fully dressed either.

His heart vibrated through the mattress, his vision blurring at the edges, and he squeezed his eyes, willing his body to move.

Everything stilled. Only the sound of his heavy panting and thumping heart filled the room.

That was until she muttered a name from her rose petal lips, talking in her sleep, "Oh, Levi..."

His eyes bulged.

Holy mother of walls.

She was dreaming, about him...

Without warning, Krista's hand brushed over his belt, stopping at the base of his now very stiff, very swollen cock, and he bolted upright, rushing out the room at last.

He shut the door behind him, locking her inside, and all Levi could do was press his back to the wood and catch his breath. The blood still rushed through his head as his chest swelled like a pair of raging bellows. Sweat dripped into his eyes, his hair sticking to his forehead, and now he moved a hand up to wipe away the moisture.

There was no way he could do this. Levi could not stay a moment longer in the tiny cottage with Krista. There was no telling what he would do...

He could not have sex with the girl in the next room. He would tear her apart, rip her inside out, and taint her pure spirit.

A monster like him would only damage her small, nimble body, and he had to get away.

No sound came from the other side of the door, and it seemed he hadn't woken her. He'd practically dashed out the room like a streak of lighting, yet she never stirred, just proof of how lost she was in her lustful dreams about him.

He thought he'd caught a whiff of the unmistakable scent of female arousal, and it seemed she was wet for him.

In fact, he first caught wind of her strong, musky scent the moment he collected her from the basement last night, and there was no surprise what she'd been up to before he rudely interrupted.

She had touched herself while thinking about him...

Levi had poisoned her sweet mind, and the knowledge only made him want to run his hands through his hair, and rip out every black strand.

No, no, she had not been thinking about Levi at all. She had been thinking about her asswipe of an ex-boyfriend Reiner Braun.

That cliché, handsome son of a bitch. The jock. The captain of the football team. The frat boy. The player...

Yes, that was who she was just picturing in her dreams just now. That was the name she had just uttered sleepily from her lush, red lips.


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