I'm Home

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Ichigo's POV

After mom and I went grocery shopping we went home, I helped my mom with the bags and went upstairs to the bathroom to take a shower and changed my clothes. When I was done changing I went downstairs and started helping my mom cook, an hour later we were done doing dinner and so we started making a strawberry cake and while we waited for the cake to bake the front door opened and someone shouted "MOM I'M HOME!!" it was Natsume.

"Ichigo, while I distract Natsume you go hide in my and your father's bedroom until I come up or give you some kind of signal okay? Now go!" mom said whispering fast. Mom started going to the living room to distract Natsume by having small talks and blocking her view and turning her around, I hurriedly but quietly started walking up the stairs and went to my parent's room.



Third Person POV

While Ichigo was hiding, Kyouko was having a small talk with her younger daughter "Mom something smells really good" Natsume said smelling a sweet delicious scent coming from the kitchen "Oops, I almost forgot" Kyouko stood up from the couch where they were sitting and headed towards the kitchen, Natsume was curious and followed her mother "The cake seems to be done so all that is left is to decorate it, would you like to help me Natsume?" Kyouko asked putting an apron on "Sure, but why did you make so much food? Don't tell me it's your and dad's anniversary! Because dad surely forgot and-"

"No, it's not our anniversary and your dad would never forget our anniversary...right?" "Ehh, never mind, so then why did you prepare so much food?" Natsume asked while she cut some fresh fruit and Kyouko did the icing. "Well, I felt like today was special and I wanted to make a delicious dinner for my family that's all" "Thanks mom, but I wish sis would be here with us, even though she would just be breaking things with her clumsiness, but it's been so long since we've seen her" Natsume said no longer slicing the fruits, and just stared at the fruit with a sad expression.

"Natsume-" "Honey! I'm home!" Kyouko started but was cut off by Shigeru who came home from work. "Dear, we're almost done with dinner, so come wash your hands and put the plates on the table! Natsume, since we're almost done decorating, you too go wash your hands and put some cups and utensils on the table." "Hai!" Natsume said and they placed the cups, plates, and utensils on the table and were now sitting and talking about their day, waiting patiently for the food.

Kyouko started placing the food and cake on the table and placed another plate, cup, and utensils on the table, Natsume and Shigeru were confused, "Are we having a guest?" they asked, Kyouko just smiled sweetly and said loudly "You can come down now!" Natsume and Shigeru looked at each other, turned to look at Kyouko, and back to looking at each other and shrugged.

Ichigo was carefully walking down the stairs, the more she got down the stairs the more she was happy, anxious, and sad. When Ichigo entered the dining room Ichigo looked at Natsume and at her dad who were shocked, and with crying eyes and a smile she said "I'm home!"



Ichigo's POV

"I'm home!" I said my vision blurry and with a smile. "I-ICHIGO~!!" Natsume yelled running towards me and hugging me tight "I missed you so much" she said a bit low but loud enough for my dad to hear "We all did" my dad said giving me a hug "When did you get here?" he asked "Today, mom picked me up off from the station" "Are you on vacations?" "No, um, something happened but can I tell you guys after dinner? I'm starving" I said with a small nervous laugh "That's right! Come on sit sit, you can tell us after dinner" Dad said leading me to a chair, I sat down and dad went back to his seat, still standing he raised his beer and said smiling "Right now let's celebrate you coming home!"

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